6' THAT I' 6LUEINO N: F9RT o d Our iroon-bouind" guarantee geoes with e ve r1y 9it em sold here. We warrant one year's sound service for e ver y article. PLUG in the waIl, a lever snapped and h o u r s of drudg.ry vanish. Let B*EIctricity, fireless and capable, save hours of foi for Her. She wiIl appre- ciat. the gift of an item thét wifl creat. delightfu lIeisure, accomplishing easily a houshold 1ask.*Some suggestions:.- VACUUM CLEANERS Wè4FFLE IRONS SILEX COFFEE MAKERS TOBACCO LIGHTERS Mr. and, Mrs. Clifton L. j.arlîii, -' Highland avenue. Among those who are conliiflg home for the, Yule holidays Nyill be. William 'Cage, son of.Mr. and NMrs. Stanley . X-Gage, 932 Im.wbod ave-. nue., who is a student at. Yale.' 01 r S IUéLtIAS Llc - cV u 'n iv v cuz e - day, january 21 by the well knomwi lEvanston Country Club Players. * Since many frieùds of the cast were unable to be present on November 21 when the play was given. at the Country club to a'.capacity audience,. therewill be miany .wbo Will be glad* * to mark this date, January 21st, on their calenidars in anticipation of an eyening of rarepleasure. The cast willbe the samne-as ini the Country. club presentation ý:witb Mrs.. Leslie M. Parker taking a léad- ing p)art as the wealthy,,flighty wid- 0w, Mrs. Knigbtly. Williamn Zeigler Nourse will again direct the play, The players. are Most Igeiierotisl contribuùtii,,g their talent at this tirne for the benefit of the Mary, Crane. Nursery scbool at Hull House which is conducted by the, National College of.'Education. The event at the col- lege is sponsored by tbe Mary Crane league.of whicb Mrs. Harry G. Phil- lips is president. SThe league is a group of Evanston anid nÔlth shore wôrnrwbo are co- operating with the college ini support- ing th e Mary Crane Nursery school. The present industrial situation haàs brought greater demnands> upoil the *college in conducting. this edulcatioi,-. ai and philanthropic woÈk .,at FHuli House, and the league is enideavoring,] to increase its helpfulness in supply- ing comforts for these families. The Country Club Players are eni- thusiastic ini .offerin.g their assistance for this spie»dld cause. Evening Garden Club Has Christmas Program At the Iast regular meeting of the Evening Garden club of W\ilnîette which was held Tuesday evening, De-, cember 9, Edward A. Renwick oiF E. anston gave a most interestinig stere- opticon lecture on 'gardens abroad'as wvell as in this ounitry,, affordling ,litnipses into unusual nooks ntesl iccessiblç. Mrs. Frederic Ebelingý and, Mrs. Ch arles Evans provided the mxusic and presidents of neighboring garden clubs brôught greetin.gs f roi r