Yvviet irumicL L uAA r ary1. Since the best prof essional talent tnay be brought into the home by turning a dial, it is no longer neces- sary -for those who "aren't a bit- musical". to. master' the piano -as ,a soc 1ial accomplishment, but it.is more important than eVer to know some- thing of the works of great coin- posers. Lt -is here thbat: the library off ers -aid in the form of books on the lives.of composers and stories of the operas, Miss' Whitmack points out. Reading miust of course be suppl- .mented by listening to good music. Listenintg, howeverL does nlo t mean tuigin on grand opera and then .sitting dowýn to read the news.paper. or to figure ont tomorrow's business deal. ,Listening is, in f act, an,'art in itself,' according to .Daniel Gregory Mason, authoôr of a, reading course available at the library, called "Ears to Hear; a Guide for Music Loyers.", In it the weil lôiown composer and :.ritic points out the way to keen en- *joyment, and gives practical sugges- tions for tiiose who want to get the most: ont of, the music they hear. Book* on Music IîHere: areý a few of the books on music that the Wilmiette Public li- *brary has to offer its patrons: what we Hear lit music-Faulkner. À course of st-udy in music history *iliustrated with Victor records. Wbnt. Is Good In Musi-le-Heider.gof.1 technical training. Shore Stuidies of Great Masterpees- ao.T welve compositions of modern composers anaiyzed. This is nôt -for the neophyte. Guide to Msefor le ginners-Mason. The fundamentals of music exipiained from the standpoint of an appreciative. listener. From Song to Symnphony--Mason. A valuable contribution to music study. Fu ndamentals ef Muslc-Gehrkens. In a non-teehnical maRner, the author pre- sents thefuindamiwntg1 n asets of music. Opera CouapI.te Opera Book-Kobbe. Surn- martes of operas from Gluck to the present. Book of Operas-Krehbl .,mis ehapters are m~ade Interesting to the students of - mytihology and folklore as weli au to musiciaa>s. No'one. can tail to- enjoy these operatic masterworks' more thoroughly atter reading ,a bout themn." Thousand mmd Orne Nights of Ojera- Martenâ. Very complete, handbook of opera sYflopses. Oliers Book--Ordway. FIrst Aid to 'the Opera Goer-Wat- IREDL E FIRIEPROOF WAWEHOUJSE RENT-Cisairs, Tables for Partes Un23Beuson Ave. EVANSTON unieo. 0 lmte18 'r During Chiristmas W..& w. are gMvng à 1f fi. fokon to .v.ry patron of our shop. This is a, small gft to $Iiank you for pour generous patronage. Permanent waving ail May we "SUgges$ a Permanient Wav eas a Christmas Giftfor Moflier. Swestheat or Sister. ,ALBRIGHrT.BEAUTY SQ 116 7 WiIm.fe Ave. Wiim t 45 17' Now Priced W ithi n the. Reach of AUL In addition to the -highly perfected n e w Radiola Superbeterodyne, and the very latest Electrie Phono-. graph, Model '86 brings y ou a startling new feature -HOME - RECORD- ING! Thus Radio la 1131 Central Avenue Wilm.tte 81 OI' EENiNGS UNîML CHUJTMAB the moderns, the book 1 ide& of the conneti W'u musical paot and jp -A mis