1 lui 1 .g * * inivast seIetIQfl1 faslron-rght andi reasonable. Gihs. or r- FINE FOR SNOWBALLS.. are these blue, red or green, muRts ýf capeskin with close- fitting elast.ic wrists, pair, .59c.,, SNAPPY TIES .. of the sort boys and. mothers both endorse are availeble in a setection of new patterns and colors priced et .. eadî 45c, 78c and $1'. GOING MODERN ..,. the new pajamas for boys find irfinite varietyin color end patterns.' Select several pairs et $1 .45. SHEEP-SKIN SLIPPERS ... form. the most remnarkaâble protection for growing feet, end are rea- sonably, priced e t, pair, $1. WRAPPED IN A PAID. I "N theBoy ON TH-E SQUARE.. is the smart muffier for 'young fel- lows. Gaily patterned in >e combinations e t $Il and $1 .45. A LA, 'LINDY" ...young, Ameïrica is devoted to- theà l.eather helmet in black or brown which is so'swagger and s0 warm... and oniy $1.45., NEVER ENOUGH SHIRTS.. unless the wise parent, Ioys in -0 supply of- these, attractive broadcloths in plai'n and col-* ored effects. For junior boys,. $ 1; for the youth. $1.45. WARM BATH ROBES ... meen winter comfqrt. These robes are both practicel and smart, $2.95 THEY'RE. NESTOR JOHN-', SON S..a nd everyone knowsl that th'is name speils. the super- lative, in ice sae $6.500 GOLF HOSE .. . worm, artis-; tically designed and suck inter- esting complements to knickers sizes... Others, WIEOLDT3EVNTN== FORMERLY ROSENIERGS ee n ., EVANS