AT SUNDAY CLUB1 Dr. John Timothy Stone to :Give Christmas Sermon at SeviesDecember 21 Dr. John ,Timothy Stone will de- liver a Christmas sermon at the XVil- mette Su'ýnday, Evenin g club Deceni- ber 21. Trhe spécial nmusic, on this occasion will be peeted byv Madani Edith BideaÛ Normelli, of St. Luke's. church, Evanston. Dr. Stone.isone. of the best k nowil ministers in the United States.. Coin- ing to Chicago.from the East in 1M0, he was pastor, of the Fourth Presby.- terian church up to and including 1930, when he becanie pastor enieritus. if this' church., He bas been 1presi- dent:of the Preshyterie-n Theological Seminary,' formerly. known as Mc- Cormick Theological Seminary, since 1928, which position -lie still hls. He was Moderator of the Presby- teinGeneral Assembly in~ 1913-14. Dir. Stone is the author ýof "Foot- steps in a Parish," "Recruiting for Christ," "Life of Whitfield," "Place- ,of Quiet Strength," "Toi Start the Da, "Everyday Religion ;" also inany nmonograpbs on educationai and religious themes. 14e lias spoken before the Suniday Evening club on. various occasions and is extreimely popular with north shore chiurch7goers. Mailing Deadline For GCLristmas Parcels Now Patrons of north shore postoffices baebeeni reminded by the postmnasters that .Chiristmas packages for the Pa- cific coast. states, including, Washing- ton, Oregon,' California,, Nevada and. Idaho, niiled - after Deçember 17 sbould carry special delivery- postage to insure delivery before Christmas. After December 18 the saine bolds true for seven other states. Montana, Wyomirng, Utahi, Arizona, New Mexi- is being delivered as it cornes in each day so thât there will be no large accumulation of greeting cards . or parçels the last few days. before Christmas. A t Sunday ClubI r. j.J!ohn T imothy Sto;te, presi- dent cf the Presbytertin Thco!o!]- ical semninary in. Chicago and pas- tor cimeitus of the Fou rtl# Pres- byteriani church of Chicago. zîi!! brin g a Christmas mnessage to the *Wiizctte Sunday zvcning- club od'i the eveing of Deéciiiber 21. *Madanwe Edith Bidearu ,Not-iiièlli î(ill be the soloist that eveninfq. Present Christmas Pageant This Sunday The Christnmas pageant, "Why .the Chumes Rang," will be presented hy the children of .the Kenilworth Ujnion churcli Sunday, afternoon, December 21, at 3 :45 o'clock, at the church. The program will be' under the direction of Prof. C. Russell Small of New Trier IRecreation age .....5 Story About Russia ...... 50 Trravel Corner......... .3 Invite Ail Residents to Participate in Community Singing et Living Tree. on Christmas Eve E.very Wilmette residenit is heing turged to par.tipate in. the -"tentb an- nual open> air song service on- the- Vil- lage hall laivi Christmas Eve at 7 :30 o'clock. Daniel M. Davis, director of rec- reation- and «Geo rge,H. Redding of the Playground and, Recreation .Board Special Occasion committee, who are in charge. of the pro- gram, arce expecting a large attendance at the carol service, Nvetber the par- ticipants - be t rained singers or nGt.. Vý,illage President Etarl E. Orner, will deliver bis annual 'address of welcome to the carolers t-, open the service, aid the -ing'g ill *begin immediately, theréafter, with R. D.;l3urtner, 810 Oakwood avenue,. as leader. The ac- comnpaninient will -,be f rnisbied by ..a band of New Trier High *-school and Wilmette Graînmar sclioo1 students, under the leadership of Mark Simonds,. 834 Siteenth street. Familiar carols handed down by pre- vious generations will comprise tbe prograni. The opening carol will be "O0 Corne AiU Ye Faithful," and the list includes "Hark! the Herald' Angels Sing," "Away ini a Manger," 'We Threc Kings of Orient Are," T-w *The services wilI bc limited in tirneý to one-baif hour duration and will be f ollowed by Christmas services at som-e of the Wilmiette churches. Boaird, Reduces Fee For Motion Picture Houses The Wilmette Village board on: Tuesday niglit voted to reduce the fee of $300, a year for operating mo- tion picture theaters in Wilmette to twenty-five cents per seat. The pres- ent ordinance regulating this matter will be amended,>accordingly. The fee Iwill be collectible on Jantjary 1i'pi eacb year. su1ggestions, the advertisements WLll also guide you to the best values. Robert Stoddard of Pian Go mission and, Zoning Board Civic League, Speaker Robe rt, Stoddard, chairmanoft Wilmette Plan commission and Zia ing board wiIl be: the.speaker at 1 roundtable luncheoà of the Wilmettê Ciielaguë at tbe. University cRut .n Chicago today.,.He wili discusstb proposed revised Wilmette zoningoj dinmnce now in course of preparatiq Ini announcitng today's meeting t1 the memibership of -the, Civie Ieý uj President Donald -M., Galliend: "On the trains and at nmny a soca gatbering you imy have, aired rou opinion of flats; building codes, zomng and the -'village- beautiful.'- Doublel you have wondered why this or thaï thing lias ot béenAdonc in WilmetteL But mmmiy things have steed in thew a' plete plans, but tliey have not coin carrIed fully into effect. Do youWe h -e h d a eat t a rywan to nw wbhy ? We have had onn zoning -ordinance to control the sever tye fuses -of various neighborlioodsi Now we are tohave a new one. Dei 'ou want to know 'why, and what it i' to accomplisli P . . . Hear Mr. Stod dard discuss this wbole subject. H~ is chairnian of the Zoning board, th4 Plan commission, and the Board o Appeals on Zoning, and knows his sub, ject tlioroughly." ti ekissuedFuot ~htimshI The Civic league 'board of the first of thé league -bulletins whi it was announced will appear sei occasionally" to keep members info on league activities, ,The bulletin . annoinces the appoint. (nnouncd in a recent issue of Wn4, mgTTI LiFeO witb ArthurB. Sebol4 as cliairman, and comprising~ also Lloy C. Ayres, Hector Dodds, HerbrtBl Miilford. and Enocli Steen, to whih of its reader5