J girls sure of good ifiks end boys. Be to »0 hlm. LORD'S'Wone Tolandý (Fountain Square) vanston. From 19:30 in the morning 'fil 9:.30 each-.eveniing Lord ondeà Tyand&1 throged with youganodwo stand fascinaf.d by 1h. mnarvelousfoys, and enfbralled by the. wenderful painf.d Ibackgrousnd showrq Sant North Pois casfle. Lord*s'ooder TpyInd-FirslFloor, North Room, -in New Addifio0g FIREI Steam Engin. $1.75 A:Sedan is $2.90 Player Pianos Grand or Uprlqht $4.95 Famous Schoenhut's play-. *r pianos whose reper- foire consisfs of "Ramo-l na" and "Home Sweef Home." FOR SALEI On.-Roomi Bungalow Snare Drums Uineit Heds $1.00 A befr drum -won made, and wiIlm a fighIy- drawn linn he.d. Corn. plete wif pair of sicks. Amerîcn Infanfry wifh Band, above, Régiment of: Highlanders, .$22 Knights and Figureiu nusual ru Mo un ted1 Squadroni 5 Indians and Cowboys, special of EnglishGrenadiers, only ..... .5.56 5anid $4,50- . . . .$ 3 . 7 5 ýNiglit Coach:. Ice Truck Sprinkler Tractor Set of 4, $1.00 Speed. Wagon. Motor -Coach Bimp StSedan Stof 4..$ 1.00 RoIy- PoIy A Knock-Abouf Baby 50c &,$l Rook, Flinch, Pif,, Authors, Flowers, Brds and many oth- er -"perenfliall" gamnes that everyons knows how fo puy. A new and unusual idea in building blocks. Vividly colored, and usable for aill bilding purposes., An intensely int.resting and educ-aflonal garne b ui 1d u p *ords with wooden leffers. LORDS WONDER TOYLAND-FIRST FLOOR,.NORTH ROQNNW ADDITIO