QnIy. Five Shopping, Days Away -Are You Ready' Cloves for Cifts.- $1.00 to .$5.95 Gloves always prove a very delightful gîcjft. Ha ndk erch jefs. Of Greoat Varcly. 15c.:to$100 hi/ No matter how many of this kind, are received there are never too manY.. Yours are welcome Stationery of Fine Quality Speaking of giffs why no+ give stationery - beautiful boxes to selèct fromn. 35c to $1.00 Each, Gieyourself one bf 1these smort dresses. for Chpïstmas.> w hy not spend th at. check you got. 1148 Wlm.#fe Avenue STORE OPEN EVENINGS. Handbags. of Caf ,or Steerbide $2.95 to $1Q.OO Others of Florentine Leath- er imprted f rom -. taly Every gift ist includes hand-, Ibagjs* Telephon. Wilmet, 588' UNTIL XMAS f rom. GCive Jewelry for Gifts There are so many lovely de-' signs. Ail at prices the lowness of which wili be. the gi'.atest surprise of .ail. We Ae R adyfor .You! elc This store us loaded w.itF, beautifuI ýg ftsfoyotoset Beliul SSi1k Underikinq .,mdke wondierful Gi FTS. Solving many of your problems.