Sorrow in Los Oih f Elmer Baker Wihthe passing some three weeks ago of Elmer Bakey, III. of Winheti- kthe Winnetka Sea,-Scout* Sbip Albatross bas lost'one of its most earnest, enthusiastic and active Members. Wben the 'Sea Scout Unit: was formed in ýWinietka lun the faîl of 1929, :Elmer. was among the first t join. With a real initerest in. the Sea. Scout prograin, Elmer partici- pated, whole-heartedly in the activi-1 tics of tbe ship and bad almost com- pleted the requirements for' advance>- ment to tbc rank of Ordinary Sea SCuting the ýpast summer he sbipped *as a deck-hand on a Great Lakes fieighter and qualified for bis "Long *-Cmuise" te tt4ain to t-bat distinction. His fellow Sets Scouts of tbe AI- batross will feel bis absence keenly, for be bad-made a distinct place for hirnselif ini tbe lif e of the unit.-Sea Scout Sbip 26, Christ church, Win- netka. Kenilworth Scouts Busy In Work of Advancement John H. Lawson, chairman of the Kenilworth Court of Honor, an- nounces- the, report- of the recett ..Nv CS' - atflu e qCC * J lfl-tlrS Carlson, Bruce Gran stroni and Bob McCloud; Star Scout: Tom Hilde- radRobert Cutler and Russel Cooke; Menit Badges: Charles Bemis. cooking; Russel Cooke, leatliercraft and pottery; jini Fitzgerald,. Wood- working; Peter Gilbert, ýpatbfinding and scholarsbip; Tom Hildebrandt, woodworking; - Shipe Kriete, reptile study; Paul Leach, canoeîng; Gil- bert McIntosb, bandicraft and pot- terv: rsen, handicraft and 1 At t/te Regionai Boy Scout Lai, mens con ference held receitily at the Edgewvater Beach hotel for thse Scou?'ers of,.ite four *1 aies of Illinois, .Michigan, Wisconsin, and Indiàna. the North Shiore Area council >wa.s> aqain in t/te Iimelight. For thete iH consectitive year the couincil has e0qoyed thte enusual distinction of /saving. the largest delegation aitte conference.. T/his year more than fifty men *vere present, tsot including Scout masters and asssiants. Above is pic.ttred Henry Fowler (le>'t) of Wilimette,- acting president of the couticil,. w/o tuas awarded the banner this year for ite council. Bob Tansili (cenier) and Bill Jenkins (right) lt of Beaver Patrol, Troop 4 imtc.arc shown holdinsg--the -ban- tiers for thte previous twto years. Matthew Francis Photo .1 From the Radio Troop.57 camîe an S. O0. S. calhast 'çweek for new meni- bers. 'Lee, Fetcher, the Scoutmaster, ïs very anxious to get at east two more menibers in order that the r oop mnigbt be ýable 'to register for the next year. and to continue its activities. The membersbip of the troop lias been gathered f roni.èvarous troops in the.council. Scouts 0~s are mak- 1 1 '1q. 5intirii u JF a v Hike on Deoernber 27 On November 26 the Scouts of Troop 9 bad an interesting meeting. Ve. discusseil and laid plans for a lîike which our-Troop will take De- çember 27. We,:also discussed the vahies. of the "Boys Life-. A lot of the, boys wil receive. this, magazine. ,We expect, to have more than-haif, L)f the Scouts taking this interesting mag-,azine.-Bob Kreuscb, Troop 9', W~imette,~ St. Joseph's church. Game Of Shuffile Board Provides Fun for Scouts The new shu ffle board game in he meeting' roomn of Troop 3, WiI- mette Methodist church, is exciting ndmuch fun, The opposite teanis j -,en, iroop h, Kt~orh and nelps to prepare success later on."~ mon activeof the J.roop Committee, presented, out troop to Robert Brnmbaugh bis registration ýsually wehl, card, and Tenderfoot pin. Also, Har- a, boy for rison Storms receivrd the Painting Menit' Badge. -. Ernest Scbaper, Troo>p 3, Wilmiette Methodist church. notes. twhich oop , to Consider Workç Friday, Deceniber .12, members of the Wilgiette District Piress club met to write news articles and discuss the work of the, Press club. Membeirs are listed by troops: Troop 1-Paul Hoffman, Stanley Cochran.; roop 2-Arthur Flood; Troop 3-Martin Schara, William Schara, Ernest Schaper; Troop 4-~ Bill Leble, Elmer Stone, Ger ald Spfin- ner; Troop 5-Bill Bowen; Troop 8 -Tom Allison, John Dernehl; Troop 9-Bob- Kreusch, Edward Stancoe; Troop 10-Carl Frankeli, John King; Troop 12-Ed J 'oyce. 1Meetings are hcld7 every Friday afternoon at, 4:15. 1Anyi Scout wish- ing to write articles. for his troop may do soý by reporting at, these weelçly meetings.-Bill. Lehie, ýVil- mette editor. Annugal Meet of Trroop .1i Offers Fascinating Games Decemfber il, Troop i..of Wilmette. ield it's annual.meeting at the Con- ~regational church. Starting tbis meeting we gave the salute to the iag. We then had a game, called "table observation" which the Eaglç 1)atrol won. Following that we played -i game called "two dogs on* one ')one." .Mr. King, our Scoutniaster, Ahen announxced' the standings in th e fficiency contest. They are: Stags, ?28; Eagles, 23052 ; and Silver Fox, i S0½'. The meeting closed with the Laws and Benediction. - .Stanley 'Cochran, Troop 1, Wilmette, Congre- '-ational church.