nortn side t anEIVislana, we might flot be nearly as happy if the wind were to shift, sco that au anchor watch is set, and each Scout is on duty for an hôur and a haif. Re- ferring, directly to our log, 1 find the following notations made by the various scouts on watch: "Eight beils, mid-watth;- (4 a. n.) The compass is working now., Boat swung until 1 could sight thé North Star dead ahead. Then I jiggled the, compass until itf moved4 around again. 4:35 off shore, breeze.'. No fighits sighted. We seem to be, carryin*o dragging the anchor. Maybe it is only the chain on the- rocks, thougb. Skipper and Don Hall corne up. 1, bell (4:30 a. m.) $liglit drift off Shore with anchor dragging.. "Onie belland bereI is. According to wbere the cimex was anchored last night we seem to have drif ted '/4 mile east and M1 mile -offshore. We are headed southwest. Slightswell -un- der- surface. Air currents .deail. Stars verv visible, even though it is. gettiingflghter. Compass slightly off. WVhoopee, l'Il bet the- anchor sIippý_d a foot then., We have off stern, ex- actly 2 fathom (12. feet) of water, and a rocky bottom. 5:0O2 a. m. East very marvelouis; geting quite light. Another slip of. the anchor. Wear ýheaded.southp, according to compass. 5:15 stars gone. S.:20 aIl's well. Ail- chor..slipped ,tbree times. 3 bells (5:30) all's well. No ý hi ps., Blew out lanterns as it is light now. 6:02 three long blasts from a whistle about 30 seconds in duration, withi five-sec- ond, pause, from the north; perhaps a town telling its people it i'S Slx o cock."-Don Hll., The foregoiig has been, copied' L og of t/he A rgo Tuesday, December 9, the Sea Scout Ship 43, .the "Argo" of Wil- mette met for the first time aftér the, absence of the. Skipper,l or rather for the *first with bim back. The Skipper brought' registration blanks for *us to fill out. We.discussed Our compass cards, our sea bags, and be- coming a" 'second-class. ship before the year is. out. We ar .e. fitting out the Sea Scout roomlat. the Wilmette H3aptist church -with the charts and pennants, obtained. on the Ge orgian Bay -cruise. < Ve have flot forgotten our boat during the winter and work- on it Saturdays,,anid it wiIl be soon ittel out with- a new coat of paint. After a discussion of various tbings, the meeting wasadjourned.-Yeoman of the "Argo," Wilmette Baptist church. Caretaker At Camp Shoots- Buck Ma.Ka-Ja-Wan C. B. Skidmore, who is the care- taker-of.the North Shore Area coun'- cil Boy ,,Scout. Camp . Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan andi wholives on the 360 acre camp site property, 17 miles from Elcho, Wis., *rote some. interesting news. Ini a irecent letter to Myron C. Ry- boit, Scout: executive,, Mr,. Skidmore said: "The camps a re fine.. I shot a ten point buck back of the cam~p. WVish you could have been here with us during the hunting season, as there were lots of deer." Boy! What a camp! Just. wait 't iii next winter when there wiIl. probably be witer camp at Ma-Ka-Ja-Wàn. A Two D ay Sale of Beautiful Lamps and Shades!f 20% to 50% off Friday-Saturday! I4 C4 4 This Year There ýAre Slioes ih Santa's Pack And what:js .more,* the Jolly Old .Man of Ch.ristm as has discovered a way to make themn fit.- He bri.ngs Pool & Piper Merchandise Bonds.:as, good as *gold in* exchange for Pool: &Piper cFildreën's -.nd ihnf"t' Ëhoes-P!Us Pool'& Piper accuracy of fitting! Pooil Piper Shoes and Hose: the happy gif t for growrng tona STORE HOUR5--8:30:TO 6-00' PODL 'iPI>PER. CHILDREN'S SHOE SPECUALISTS 1ý6o8 CHICAGO AVENUE + EVANSTON Il OUR HOLIIDAY STREET la" haiA8dl.LvKlà-lll 4 -IV -.--- Evanston 1 Block South of Fonnaéi Square GREesleaf 0916 Open E*'enings Until Christmas Cleaneas to the Diacdiminating 1 152 Central Avenue, Wilmette Phones 320-321 Evanston Phone: 'Greenleaf 6660 1». PS22 S14FRUAN