i4gIsopal church inWiamette, -with Dr. Hubert Canleton, rector, officiat- mg,, a-sisted by ýtheý Rev. Leland Habart Danforth of the Church of. the Holy Comforter in Kenilworth. The wedding reception wl be held ' immediately after the service, in the home of the bride,ç, parents, Mn. and Xmns. Burt Allan Cro we of 233 Raleigh road, Kenilworth. *Mise Crowe i8 to have as hen at- tendants, her sisten, Miss Barbaraý Anne, as maid of honor,, and as bridestnaids, Miss 'Doroôthy Darling and Miss Carol Knapp of Ken- Worth, Miss Genevieve Smithers of Wilmette, Miss Janet Hughes. of Glencoe, Miss Harriet Blair and Miss Ruth Castie of Oak Park, school- mates of hens -at Briarcliff, her cousin, 'Miss Fiorence Woodard of Owosso, Mich,' and Miss Elizabeth Alger of Lansing, Mich. Little Vir- ginia and Charlotte Huck, twin daughters of the Caul Marshall flucks of Keniiworth, are to be. the fiower girls. George Crafts of New York Cityj is te serve Mr, Knott as best man1 and the ushers will be Charles Don- aime and Seymour Hollister of'Neviw York. City, George F. Isaac of Kenil- worth, Edward W. Wood, Jr., Rod and Ear1 Hanson, and George F. Getz, Jr., 'of Chicago, andi Mise Caowe's cousin, Dean Campbeili. the f néd of thebride-to-be areat home f rom school. Saturday evening, Deceniber 27, Miss Sarah L. Minor of .929 Shei- idan road, Wilmette, wili 6e: hostess at a supper <lance, at the ,Edgewater Beach hotel in honor of Miss Crowe, fMn. Knott, andi the inembers of their bridai party. Mrs. Ira Calef Darling and Miss, Dorothy Darling are to izive akIdtcthn nhnumr MondaIv. Dec- AIrS. Lloyd Paàxon of, Winnetka is gzigaplay .readipsg,.Sunday afternoon. at 4:45 o'clock at Cluib Vista, del La go. This j:. Mrs.« Pa.ron's second appear<ince at the club) this season. A Christmas party for juniors Fri- day, December 19, is the first of the hoiiday-time events. Children of the sixtb, seventh, and eighth grades will hoid sway at the club f rom 5:30 until 9:30. They will dine at 6 and <lance finom 7 uintil the ciosing hour. H, sts and hostesses for the evening are Bol) Clark, Gervaise Bannhiil, Ann Witb- erell, Janet. Miner."- The club an- nounces that guests of the young peo- ple will be most welcome. Mrs. Raiph M. Long is <jhairman of arrangements. The second an*nual north shore ping pong tournamnent takes place at the club Decemnber 20, with'ibe events to be men's singles andi'doubles, women's singles, and boys' junior. Play wll commence at 2:30, with the semi-finais. finals andi exhibition matches in. the. evening. A. M. Barrett, E. J. Bau- manu, S. S. Beman, Robert Burnows,ý W., H. Robinson and R. W. McKis- son, chairman, composing the commÉit- tee. Dinner may be obtaineti at the club. Monday, December 22, the L.os Estu- announcement stateu, wrôt a uDe of. the lyrics in tliis year's and1 last year's productions. Calvin Fentress is president of the Princeton club of Chicago and Fred- erick H. Scott is regional trustee. J3oth are residents of Hubbard Woods. Among tbe patronesses for the affair, it has becén announced, are a,. number of Winnetka and Hubbard Woods resi. dents; Mesdames Victor Elting, Calvin Fentresa, William B. McIlvaine, Donald F. McPherson, Carl H. Zeiss, Robert C. McNamara. Edgewater Beach &cene of Dance December 30o The Crystal, ballroorn of the Edge- water Beach hotel is to be the locale for.a dance the evening of Deceniber .30, given: by a groupý of north shore, boys., The huâts for the affair, which will commence at:9 o'clock, are Arthur, Arnold Andersen, John Putnamn Bar- den, George Arthur BOYlston, Charles I-owetls Coffin, James Glenwood Corns, Orja Glen Corns, Gordon Butler Ctit- 1er, David Edward Davis, Clarence Henry Kavanagh, Frcderick Augustus Uind, Eugene Byron Nickel, William CÇarver Sellery, William Adolph Sild- lof, and Frank Joseph Wenter. James and Qrja Corns are returning f rom St. John's Military academy for the . bolidays. The others who are to be hosts attend New Trier High scbooLj Indian Hill Wil Ibid .Young ,Peo pie'; Part y1 Indiaxi Hill club will have its young peopie's Christmas party, for those of high school age and over,, Saturday evening, December A)3. There will be skating, tobogganing," gaedancing, ýand a late supper. Sunday, December 21, there will lic the- annual Christmas sing aroUnd. two ligh ted trees in front of thet club house. After the sing', tea wil be served in the club. Entertain Visitors ]et, 'whcb wi include twelve of Chicago's most beautiful musical comedy <ancers with Lucille 'Long, soprano entertainer of kings; J Henry Phillips, dramatic tenor of light opera famne; and John Burdette, the Melodious Kingfish, and winner at the Chicago 1930 Charity Music festival Two of Cope Harvey's. or-. chestras will'play during the evenine. The programn further -includes- the Peacemakers,. the air-famous, quartet of radi o stars, w'Ith an unusual ar- rangement. of stringed.instruments,- four scintillating solo. dancéers-Gene, Diii, premiere danseuse, with Marie Smiall, Evelyn Belot, and Charlotte White; and the famodus Blonde Dance duo comprising: Margaret Wilfinger, and Virginia Worthington. Dinner1 will be served at 9:-30, at which time the entertfainment starts. Breakfast will begin, at 2 o'clock ,in' the morning.- There will be1 a senior dance on. Saturday , December 20, with music by the National. Broad- casting orchestra. On Friday evening, December 26, the club will hold a sixth, seventh. and eighth grade dance, while the College Homecoming dance wiIl her given on Saturday, December 27. The children's annual Christmas party wiIT be held Saturday afternoon, Decein - ber 27, at 2:30. Need Gif ts for Boys' 1Den~ at Arden Shbore Miss Anna Belle Ferrier is plan- ning to convert the Baby Fold at Arden Shore into a dien fo~r the win- ter use of the boys, and hopes to have il in readiness for Christmas. .Stout chairs, tables for reading and ganies, and rugs suitable for .such a place are necessary to make the den ahomey spot in which the -bôys may, enjoy 'leisure: hours. Any friends of Arden Shore having such contribu- tions, to give are asked. to -notify, Mrs. Leslie Millar of 510 Washington ave- nue and- she will call for the gifts. The Wilmette board will maiçe the hangings to curtain the windows, A. Shmns ieir home in flua 1Fieauor me arriage *to Tmney, in J»ary. HOpe Pil hani and 1 wvith Eli hwn there in time for re- at 10. companist. was splendidly given. The paoprogramn by Agnes two .-pianists gave a varied programn bury Mud Alima Birming- with fine competence and Mr. Carver, e sming of Hugo Carver,- displayed, a wide scope, of abiity in, his. Sth lcCrystal Heath ,ac- plesîng. voice. . Miss Kathryn Ann Benson of 210 Melrose avenue, Keniiworth. has is- sàueti invitations for an at home Tues- day, December 30, from -3 umtil 6.