.Was Christmési Electekc steam-type Iocomnotve and tender foPullmnan cars and an observation car; O0-gauge, type; complete and r eady to run, at $ 12.15. This is only one. of the complete assortment of Lionel Electric Ttalns. 0f spociol interest t. the, boy who has hb.d th.e erli.r sots. 361 experi- monts con b. completed with this Nb. 5 Chemcraft. An ocroplon. made aIl of bats& wopd. Rubb.r motor. A gift a boy wMJIr.aIIy b. thrill.ed wlth. $1 and $2. dogs. -horses and eophants. SOC and' cunning bIack-atnd-wvhit. ones, woth. the., character*tstic terrier :whiskors,., Rubiier orms and legs, but so smooth and rosy thoy look lmo.t 1k, ruel babies. Dainty orgondy frock with a bonnet to match. $3.15. A business-Iik. wr.cking truck, towingj a miniature- Ford coupo-'th. whot. sot for 75c. Other sturdy iron toys, too6 ai this prkoe. Service for four, evern ote i nty ltti. peintod cotton napkins. Ail of shiny, aiuminumware. $2.50.1 Si.dt. with stropg, siendor steel sun- *ers-4ardw..d top. 1The nvo* popular siz, $3.75. Othes larger end smller, pric.d according te ii.. Iron fromes to clamp on eny sId- to give imall eidren sufficiont sup- port. $J125. ILBILL Olarta An ouista.nnq vlue et $11.85. Lev- ondes, greeni or café fton. of smoq4h round fiber r.ed,' with rubb.r tores and reversibi. gear.> Solidly buit of wood, and painted in ýComiplote with ail thee .quipm.ont a bight colons. Lace curtains at the boy likos to1 have on i;iike"-ý windows, flow.r box, wall-paper. floor tool kit, colored leatherette seat, olcloth. attached garage, $725. heavY rubber-tired whe.ls. $11.75. Chandler's for TOYS-Third Floor Miniatures of the. bIg ex- penssive onos - lsvarsous heijhts. Suilt by si-uqswic&, Sale, Collender. The. 221b :42v2 siz., $7.50; others pric.d accordingy.ý Threo.sampl. figure., OlW.d _in olorsj mods Of garni,, b.d. facile. end colors- aiH a.ady for a :boy te uM06 bis own soldiers offI $4.25 set. itti. mital wagons, for iny children, $1, Red wiieelbarrowsA l. Ofher r.d moel wagons.,'big *nough te carry mothers groceries home in. $3.85. Fount in Square Greenleaf 7200 WiImette 724 Evensf on