and Al U. 'S. J. of i $AKLTY. ~LAU8 vI Give 'em a VICTORý * ti.ecoiver of the new radio mgo!D> Visitors to the school should park their automobiles on the school block either on Essex road or Winnetka aivenue. Woodland avenue is re- served for teachers. -Parents are asked to kindlyý refrain from, smoking at any of the school functions. LATIN DEPARTMVENT PLANS'TO HONOR.VIRGIL it is rumored that the Latin de- partm ent of New Trier will recognize the bi-millennial anniversary of Vir-. gil's birth by presenting a three-act play.. It is to be given in English, and ils said1 to be a prize-winning play whicli shows mostý clearl y a picture of the lifetime and_ associates- of Virgil. .Every effort: will be made to repro- duce as accurately as possible the Roman effects in scenery and. cos- tume. Itwill probabiy be given by junior and Senior Latin students. in the last of -January. IThe Girls' club cleared $1,130.14 at the . biennial bazaar December 6.- lFrom 10 o'clock in the morning until Il in the evening the mess hall wAs tlironged with people. Everyone was most enthusiastic and purchased lib- crally. - At 7:30 the booths had been sold out and were taken down. The mess hall was then given over to dancing. The net' proceeds amounted to $1,310,87 which far exceeded Miss Wright's. greatest expectations. AI- though this amount is sightly less than' that made last year, the entire sum will. be, spent for scholarships, as ail other expenses have been taken care of by other projects. SCHOOL BOARD SEARCHES, FOR NEW PRINCIPAL ýEdward J. Phelps, former president of the school board. of New Trier' and chairmnan of the committee. on, student affairs, has just recentjy re- turned from a trip made to outstand- ing collegesami high sehools in, the east and mniddle west. lap-bmith, ncrnu -mastu ui0 ui t Shore Country Day school of Win- netka,. and f rom Carleton W. Wash- burne,, superintendent of the' Win- netka schools.. To ail of these gentle. men 1I'am> much indebted because they made my visits -mucb more easy than they otherwise would baveheen. 1 am quite sure that the members of the board of education would: not tliink it wise to make any statement other than the above until the matter is officially decided."1 GAVEL -CLUB TO HOL». DEBATE TOURNAMENT At the meeting of the Gavel club last, Friday. a clebating to urnanient was planned.. There will be'one per- onon each side, and the winner will have his name engraved upon the Elmer Baker Shield.- The shield waq given by the members. of the Gavel 1club as a niemxorial to Elnier Baker, who was assistant manager of debat- îng for 1930-31. Those meetings dur- ing which debates are given will be open to any one interested. The membersbip of this club is closed, but those desiring to become members will be put on the waiting list if they give their names to Mr. MacLean. ALUMNAE INVITED TO PLAY BASKETBALL The Girls' Athletic association is extending an invitation to al the G. A. A. Alums interested in basket- bail to play at the New Trier gym- niaqium on january 5 at' 3 o'clock. After the game, teawill be served in the Girls Club room. At the present time the gymi department is busy sending invitations to ail the girls recorded on the G. A. A. files fromi the classes of 1927, '28, 29, and -'30. If anyone interested fails to receive. such ýan invitation, she is urged to send aý note to the Girls' Athletic as- sociation of New Trier, and she will. be gladly welcomed to take part in the affair. Sh$ore Telking Machine Co. ;e 712 Clwrch Stem Evanston 380 Central Ave. ~ J~Ud 74 -va" . ing educators as one of aIl the out- standing men in modern high school work. "In the report, to be ready before the end of this semester, I hope, I will make no recommendation of anyi er seven we visor toom me -eks of strenueus ,the. Juniors and )ing strong. Miss , ha. stated that, of practice, the will bcegin. Thisý