former members of the varsity bas- %vno are tested-for certain ahilities by ketball teams who have earfied their the eight menibers of Dr. Witty's letters. class. Reports are miade to the p~ar- The. intramural teams are. divided ents and the observations discussed up by weights, and then subdivided hy the class. by classes. Every Sophomore, jun- I Mr. Persing -bas only 'fifteen vol- ior, and Senior is included in. the urnes to read, during. the cou rse, and heavyweight division- if he weighs i s toI studyý th em to the ext ent tbat he over one hundred- and ,thirty-five is responsible for al the, information pounds, and1 is included in the light- 'in them. (Aren't w ypgs of weight division if. one bundred antd collaera h t grn?) ag thityfi o ude. Ir smn. are Mr P ifer,- also of the' Engiish de- lightweights, if over one bundred. andi partinent, is composing a little sketch twenty pounds, and, are feather- entitled "The. Status of Heads* of weights if one hundred -and t*enty English Departien ts 1 in H ig h pounds or. under. The Sophornores S.choôls." %Al that must be therein may also enter a featherweight teani, is a national survey of ail the neces- but its Memnbers must. weigh one sary duties, training, and public. re- hundred.and fifteen pounds-o r under. lations of these. executives. ,,Since The tournament, an, elimination af- iew- referen ces are, a vailable on this fair, will be conducted on the. sani e subject, M . .Pifer has, had the pleas- principies as last year's tournament. anit correspondence with English in This year's innovation allows. one ad- structors- of forty-four states! visory rooM to enter two teams ini Mr. Showley. and à fewv otherÉs have any division, thus giving more- boys taken work off and. on ai the uni- an oppotunityr to play a f uli gaine. versity. --The exains and require- - rnments in 'soine of these courses ats- N. i. FACULTY TAKES sure us that teachers do flot ail livec OWN MEDICINE Iini a bed of roses 1 Hear. ye I hear ye! students who ________________ -believe that teachers do flot realize the burdens of ev hmwrkan ifiutexaminations! At this very IT D C S mnoment, New Trier'is represented hy anumber of her own facultv study- ing for exams that would -miake the worst Latin departnîental look like a second-grade speliing quiz! Donald Frisbie, of the history de- partment, is struggling with a little number entitied '"Americas Policy. an-d Attitude Toward the, Central* Ainerican C o u n t r i e s-1895- 1909" which he will submit to Northwcvesternl university on or before juîie 31, in the hope -of being able to add 'N A" after his. "Jçphn Hancock.". The $ 5.00 to $200.00 course, is uide :r the supervision >of Prof essor Cox. Miss !Ullrick -(historyý dept.) and 24. Hutchins '(English dept.) havea- littie prograni that. calsg for their in- structorship every other semester to 2S £rAm wu GPH nD' teach in the university in thieir res- Me" 0?SIO CHICAGO pective departnien'ts. The present - ÇCatcb Jour sancy, . rt.N u. s... 1. PI.nty of Parking Space Convenierit to Stret Car. Eevoted and Bus Transportation AU. PHONES: VICTORY 1973 . I . With the new Sunbeam Waffle- witch delidousl waffies oean be made . rgbi ai the dining table, with no unsighlypirchebattut- bowl or ladle togjeeinmthe wa. Bowl and ladie both fesnugly out of shcuderneh h waffle giids, making one com- plectely endose, gracefiil table uni.... Reruember, when you give them a Waffiewitch, you're giving . hem cre amy, Crisp- shelled, brown waffies co make their breakfaists a delight for. ma.ny, npdystocm L$ 45 y b. May . usid Covenendy on Our Lteb Lid"payment plan. Corne in .sud s« e > eccric wajk e mini kastm, pgn*tter, andhests of otbérgift suggestions at par PbbicSen'ioeStoe PUBLIC SERVICIE COMPANY OF 1NOfTHER IINOIS JOSEPH W. KEHOE, District Manager 1 141 Central Ave., WiImtt. Phone Wfltn.tte 281» Any woman is deliglited with SoMething for lier table Whether ah. nierely lifts an eyebrow to two butiers and a couple of serving maids . . . or whether she does it al herself, with the help of a trusty, tes wagon-any woman takes pride .in lier' table and likes table decorations, for.,, Christmas present. Wecanish6w you ION EVANSTON bowls foro p. p P I $unmit 63». w - - New ElectricWaffle Irons?, .-WIMF