WHAT TO DO? * uclia d.iýf.icult CkhristM'a.-0 st. --;an, Iim ted .Ckrustmas6' dge Don'tgive up.z Wander; through the- gift display sections, of your Public.Srvce Store and you'l rbbytk new bauseon, life. Here you'Il find gifts for the. most diffi- cuit names on your list--gjffts thut ore ini stop with your budget, too. You con puy for them ail over -a convenient period of time, if you. wish, th. "Litte by Uitti." ýwuY Trhere aore elctric woffle irons to give new deliciousness to breakfasts and su ppers electric clocks, to bring split - second precisenes eI.ct.ric ciarte i~trsfr çthes s o.relectric food mixers to _be up anything in. the kitchen electric heat pads for zero nights automatic electric toasters to toast one or two slices of bread dainty Iamps to m1iýetany home. (If you want to blow yourself, there are',exciting super-gifts priced ail the way to $250.) But w. can't begi onniol..yhing, You'illhavov* corne in and see for yourself. And coMe i right oway while stocs are çomplet* oand 0%les ore uficr0wdd., Pmember, wiyfhngyou select ç#n b. purchased witjh a sn,-II down Payrnent and the botocânce-'1.1111. IwLtletWover a convenient priod, of ttmp. Cent.4r1 1 ve., Wlet oe .ilmeft 29 Me<n you corne i, be sure to get your copy of "Good Things to Mcske for Chrishnas "-à new book fuR of deIicious r.ciPes from our Homne Service Kitchen.' FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE, your Public Service Store wiII b. open until 9 P. M. until Christmas. OMM