Highland Park Public Library Local Newspapers Site

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Dec 1930, p. 68

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------,-L - iuln &v-,wl £510etk, Or 341 LPark Ave., alcoe. Coitract raes may be had upon requea. 'Deadiine for lnsertion--cîas1le4 avrt.ietevi b o fr.accptelUp te Wedneu.ayg e9io-*k or orthe WniLarru ýLwu or ait three papers; Trhuraday 9'etiock. for the 1920. WM*mXA TALx and Friday 6 o'clock for the 'GLENCOU Nuwâ. Telophones:- Wihnette 4300, Winetka 2000, WInnetka 500 or Glenoce 1484, Greenleaf GR 4300 or Sheidrake 5687. GR vlilido care i B LOB? AND VOUND LOST-MALE BOSTON BULL t.HALE' WHITE PACE. ý WINNETICA LI- ICENSEC 44.' REWIARD. ý1887 EDG- WOOD' LANS. 'PH, WINNETKA LOST-BLÂCK CHOW'PUPPY, 4 lmenthe old. Reward. 16365 Elmiwood. Wlimette 4860. 2LTN33-ltc LOST-GRAY 'AND TAN AIREDALE, long taiL. Phon Win&, 3365. 2LT33-îcie Always ini ?erfect Taste mm CIOICE ON' SILVEIR, ARIis- tIicly deslgaed, antique perloil pat- tara16Su, lorby vrtu. of itu beauty, woitb and performanc. 011pleme rostorul te or!,lnal fmneu. PAUL DAVEY JICWBER lies Wilbwette Ave. Ph. Wlmetto S SLTN19-tfe ANTIQUES Why,'flt give an antique for Xmau? A rare old Currier & Ives or a choice pioce of 'iiver, glaus, furniture, rug, etc. VErit 808 Washington St., E vans- ton, and oses eur special offering ofI old printa 'etçhlngs,"etc.' Open :8<30 'a, ne.t to 10p.ini. ViBitors veleome. OtresaIeaf9839.' ' LT133-ltc YVONNE B'8H11 la announcing the remeval ef ber col- jection of antique furniture to 12 li. Walton Place, Chicago. Liquidation gale continues until everything la *ol&. P.Whtpha l 47861; SLTN27-tfe SBUILDING AND CONTRACrINaI Reniodel Now HAVE V OUR REMODELIN( nov. Priceos reaaonable. p matou given. Ph. Groonàleaf. ýe -estE- 532. .13-ltp MUSICAL RKINDERGARTEN AT COM,- munity lIefuse for Chliidren f rom 21/ te & yearu. Hours frein 9:30to 11. January ton» begins JTan. 5. Trans- portatioe»'provided. CliWilmette NI9 5L3-t MENINO ATERTIOSDRAPES and bodsproada made.. $5 a day, home afler 6:30 p ,Longbeacit 8111. A.:p.t. 31C.2LN3-t 24 PAINTING AND DUCCORAYENG WALLS A» iWOtÜflWOiuk WAS(ED. Aloe painting and inarpe*ter work. ,Cail Winn. 2994. Ask for r-%il. FOR SALE- IRISHI SETTER PUFS. Sire Glencho Ruddy Oogh, dam. King'u Patay Raneagown. Whelped November 26. $40 until February 1. after that $50. B. T. Coolidge. Ph. Highland Park 4273. 26LTN32-3tp FOR SALE CHEAP, WIRE- HAIRED Fox Terrier puppios, 7 weeks olH; also doit hpuse. Pn. Highland Park 3055. 26LTN33-Ite FOR SALE -PEDIGREE» 010W puppieu $25 and up. Deposit viii keop pups until Christmnas Eve. Ph. Morton Grove 1607. 26LTN:1*;3-i tc 30 lPIUIAN ENIHN IF- VTOL NEED A' CARPENTEIR. telephone .Car] flengston! He doos ail kInds of, carpenter work. and 're- nairtne. Wtnn. 24R0. 3OLTNT15-tf.. 3' WEAU APPARE., TWO EVENINO DRESSES F0i very choap. Hardly vorn; En ful condition. Sizo 18. Tel. Wl ýn. 167. Z33-Ite ING OR SEIWING LUNCH- dinneru, and parties by the hour ,y. »WxPer. Waltrens. Winneika 41LTN82t-2tp WITH NORTH SHORE REF. le Part time cleanlng, uerving or for chilireri. Ph. Winnetka.. 21057. ORAl>. NURSE TAXES' EL)ErtLy and -conv. people In her pleamant home, exe. care. Ph. WIImftte 4291b. NORWEGIAN LADY WILL PREIPAREC. Inealu, do "akng, sewing or care for ehild.Ph. ýGreenlîeaf 445?. DOMESTIC HLPLP. *WBEHAVE SEV- oral applicants available Jan. lut;Iri ln need of >help>at thattErne eauî PAULIN'8 MPLOYMBNT:AGENCIY Winta2662 or Highland Pl. 2520 41LTN33-T tc SIT. 'WANTED-ToEAT, 'EXP. Cof - ored. girl vants position au 'maid, Perm. or temp.; reference. Eng. 4262. 4ILTN3C-ltc- EXPER. GERMAIN WOMAN IVANTS iaimdy, ce,97ingooking and serv- Ing for parties Innetkft 3325. EXPERIENCED NURSE WILL CARE for chiidren or any kind of nurslng.ý N. S. ref. Ph. Wilmette 2157. MARRIED WOMAN WANTS TO CARE for children or do light housework. -Phono Wi»». 3130. 4!LTNý33-lne WANiTED - DAY 'WORKC WASHING, ironing and cleaning. Phone Kenil- worth 4730. 4ILTN33-lnt, EXPER. WIIITE WOMANT WANTS day work Winnetka, 2764. 1 WANTED-POSITION BY A YOIING(Y man 20 years, 011, as chauffeur or truck driver. Can fié overhauling ec.ars and eleçtrical woer. Ph. Wilniette 3221,.,4*2LTN33-Ine SITUATION WANTED IN PRIVATE hojrie by white mn; exptýrienced ask gardener, chauffeur and butler. Ph. Ani~ioncii0 A CHANGE IN POLICY iiree TO EMPLOYER- ALL CLASSES 0F donmeutic help NORTH SHORE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY '"The North Shore's Oldeat Employmeât -Agencyll ASK FOR ýMRS. BELEN CHRIMES 1614 Sherman Ave. GRE. ý6130 UNI. 0934 43LTNX33-lte FREE TO EMPLOY'ERS -.EVERY- thing ln higrh grade bel>. lale or female, white or éol. Ref. pou. inveet Auli your neighboru. Lee Emp. Âge#»- cy. 1631 ]Bendson, Evanaten. ]Davis Si16. IYNDER, STA'flùSUPERVISION 43LTN334-tp 44 HELP -WAN.TD-PENALE WANTED AT ONCE i cooi, tiret cla» s..........125 week 1 Cooki and lut floor......... . 25 weeli 2 coolie and lut floor......... 20 week, 2 cooku and lut 'floor....... 10 week 1 pursernald.,....i...... .1...20. veel 1 second maid............. 20 woekc 1 generai houseworli.......356 wek. 7 genoral houuew'ork.....18 vweel 9 genorai, houuework ......... 15 veeli 5 mnothers' helpe. . ....-12 week 1 firut claos COPIes AUl above have A-i ref. and under 40' yrs of age. PAULINE'S EMP. AGENCY Winnetka Offie, 748 Elm St. Highland Park Office, 8 N. First St. GIRL FOR CEN. H S WK. G-0O0Dà plain cook; 4 En famly;,washlng sent eut. Ref. req. Ph. Winnetka 1654, 44LTN33-l.te WA11TED - WELL KNOWN D)OWN- to-h obPotographer desires Winnetka represoéntativo Acquaintanice W i 1th pesnnel of village detjirablei A-87, BOX 40,, Wii1mette. 44L33-ltp EXPERIENCED WHITE GIRL FOR general houuowork, no Iaundry;, own room and bath; umali house. 303 Falrview Ave. Winnetka 852. 44LTN33-lte MAID WANTED FOR G ENE RA L 3P. Mi. ~IKM rê43 O ~oW.ngka 000 fT -AN JOQ. tipplicant.5 must iek furnish two refet-ences. L't A- 106. Box 40, Wil- ORmettei Ill. . 1 la 1 42 BITUATION

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