"A USED CAR IS AS GOOD AS THE DEALER WHIO SELLS IT." D. K. VOGEDING, PRÈS. Evaenstonn Nash ý 1735 Benson Ave., cor Clark St. See'our variousomakes and modela. 48L33-ltc P'R ALE-A FORD SPORT COUPE. bargain. $275. Fine condition. 1220 Forest Avé., Willmette, Ill. 4iTN3-ltp £5 WANTEU TO UUY-AUTOSm W7ANTED---SMALL, SEDAN, IN. GOOD shape, for cash; muet b e cbeap. Ph. SI FOR RENT-ROONts IN EAST SIDE HOME, l OR 2 LARGE sunny.rooms furn. or unfurn. opening onto large porch; oul heat; bhot water aiways;, conv. business section and ail tranep. Co uld arranige hekpg..Ref- erences. Ph. W.Ilmette 204, 5lL33-ltp, FOR RÊNT-FRONT ROOM, FURN. for Ilight houeekeeping; wýater tin room~. .AisQ .2,other roeuis;.steain 51LTN33-ltc FURNISHED ROOM, CONVENIENT to tramsp. Ph. Wllmette 2764. 51LTN33-lt.p PLEASANT ROOM, BEST LOCATION,- meals If desired. Ph. Wilmette 1184. 5ILTN33-ltc LARGE. LTGHT. WELL-FXJRNISHED rooni, hear transpor. Also garage. Phone Winnetka 2248. 51LTN33-ltc LARGE, LIGHT, WELL-FU1tNISHED rooni, near tranepor. Also garage. Phone Wtnnetka 2248. 51L33-ltp FOR RENT - FIJRNISHED ROOM near transportation. Reasonable. Ph. Wtlmette 2399. BI5LTN29-tfc 93. BOARD AND 18OOM FIRST - CLASS ACCOMMODATIONS- can be haît. Excellent board. one, or tworooms with showèr.bath. Very. mhoderato pnice. Wlnnetka 2795. 53L33-ltp BOARD AND ROO1MI'FOR GENTLE-, man, reasonable.. Nitce and conifort- able. NrÉ transp. L. Schroeder, apt. 203. 733 Elm. Winn. .,5SLTN33-ltP ne FOR RENTr-APARTME.NTS I QuCMK Buyer and Seller have foundý the Warmt-Ads'of WILMETTE LIFE' of inestimable valuei. Many a deal involvng hun dreds of' dollars, lias been the resuit. of a Classfied .ad which cost but a few, cents. Classified ads will be accepted évery evening untU 9. Phone, W".mette 4300 W.dn.sday before, 9 P. M. for the Current -Ismu 6 0 FORRNT-KÔUSs CHOICE, NEWLY DECORATED 5 *rnis., sun porch and garage, to Prote. Wtan. 1630, eves. 60LTN33-ltp FINE MODERN 7 ROOM HOME $80, was $140. Owner on premie. 1077 Cherry St.. Winn. 2140. 61,TN28-tfc lad FOR *ENT-GARAGES FOR RENT-2 GARAGES, CEMENT fi.: ined, and ighted. 423 Laurel Ave. Ph. Wilmette 1141. 64'LT33-ltc, ;.FOR- fl5NT-STOR S &OFFICES *Glencoe State Bank, IN SUITES 0F' 1-2 OR 3 ROOMS' suitable for Doctor, Dentist, Archi- tect or any business requirlng office space. Low rentai. 66LT15-tfc, FeOR SALE-HOUS Do You Want a Home WE HAVE MO4RE EXCePTIoNA&L opportunities thain we, have had for! years. Act, now. our Information is free. WILMETTE RE ALTY CO. 513 4th St. Ph.. Wilmette 192 REAL. TT CORNER LOT, 62x165 FEET. 2 PLAT, trame building; Paved street, e. w.' corner otf Center and 2nd Ste., ln Northbrook. E. R. Hornburg. 84LTN23-ltp s FOR S«LE -H« HL». <DS. $900 GRAND PIANO $369 BEAUTIFUL BABY GRAND PIANOQ *lth bench (practically brand new) fully guaranteed. Pay only $12 per mo. Write us andt we wlll telil you where thi. pianio can be seen. A3FINANCE A9,BOX 40, WILMETTE, ILL. 86L33-Itp PORCH FURN. TPHOLSTERED IN v,elour; e ettee, 2 chrs.: ottoman,ý green, and gold, used only short tue; 2 open ýbooksheives; gas grate for firepiace. Tel. Winn. 109e. 86LTN39-ltp BARGAIN-, SOLID MAHOGANY CANE davenport covered wlth wOterla. 511k fnieze. $30. Cail WInn. 328. 86LTN33-1 t FOR SALE-NESTER JO ' NBQ> sboe sktes;. glrl's, ime 5. $4; bore, aiseBi $.50. Wllmette 4680. 2 NEW, GOOD QUAlitY. RHAND- bulit dolilhouses, 386.Caa1Plme. ph, Wllette 4968.- 88L 33-ltp BOOK 0FP KNOWLffDGEFOSAE icheap. Phone Wlnnetka 918. 88L;TNSS-ltp POR., SALE-FOUR LREBD> ..ut Toys. Phono Wiltmette 3987. FOR ,SALE-KITCHUIN CABIN=J Ide box and hard coaL heater. Ph. -Wllmette 4445. 88LTrNSI.-ltp FOR SALE--S1ANDARD SIU IQ- nel elec. train, transformer. swltches,, etc. Ph. Koystone 8339. 88LTN88-Itp BOY'S NESTOR JOHNSTON -SXATE5S on uhoes,, 9-10 yrs. old, $8.60. Ph. Wtlnm 2047. ,UigazMLto. 09 WTD. TO BU-MISCELLANRMMu WANIMID - CLEAN, WHITE RA &S loç Per lb. 12333Central Ave., %?lu- muptte. 39LTNI-tt 91MSELASU DOLLS REIPAIRED AND ATTRAC- tjyelY dressed. Modela now on dan- Play at the Cornne ,hop. 809 Oak~ St., Wlnnetka. TemPorary phonoe Glenope 1161. 9ILTN3-îtp now held'by thé Eugene Fowle bination bookca wash stand, 2 pa iamp, stool spr ends. bundler brooni, 2 stands, buehel basketes. Ltee box, ring. stove tp .5-rnae nat~, i J yr trees, also two-room wrage ettaohed; % a Morton Grove 1925. ,a garage tIng yoUr tay. -und wtth W'e represent the Bureau of Rentais 12085. of the City of Miami and have àome of. [TN33-ltC the choicest property ln Miami. We HOSbelieve It may be te your interest tr' gner Rd. commilcate wth us at once. and fruit B o pn use with R. . Whitaker C tpn lot. h.. $41 IElm St., Winnetka Wlnnetkft 3.250 O0L33-Itc 7Te-t a bargain. P.k'fl. envIew 38I . FOR SALE--MOVIE CAMERA, COM Iley plete, $13; boy's Johinson hockeySh skates 1Insh ail; amali vIolin. Cali Wil.418. 8LTN33-ltc of MBate.