DE<. S6th *DEaC. 3Slst SpeolalSaet FIVE FREE DELIVERIES DAILY HABUGE Our hamburg. steak, is ground,,f resh 'for each order'froini .hoice full-flavoredbeef. Ibo zge Jonces Fann lb 9* LAME Select cuts lb. 390 w ITE <BERRES ...4 tins 980 Baby Stuart No. 2 size tins of extra quality RoyalAnne cherries. SCCOTASH ... -Z "tinsse5 Richelieu No. 2 size tins. Achoîice combination of fancy Golden Bantani corn and tender lima SOUP VEGETADLES...2 tiUs 3 10 Monsoon No. 2 size tins of choice mixed vege- tables for maldng soup. ____ Ma Rrowu'n pure *sugar*prëerves. £'rawberry, raspberry, blackberr,,pineapple and peach. 1 lb. net weight. ý.ORANGES .............. do».Ï%" Floridas. Good size f ruit-veryjuicy and sweet. LEM NS............o Z. 901 Sun-Kist f ancy fruit. LAUNDRY BOA? ...10 bava ,59e The national activities with which the local Baha'i comniunity is co- operating, following the recent Illi- nois- Wisconsin teaching conference in Wilmette, are to include a series of regional, conferences linldng tom- gether' and',' coordinating ,the efforts of the ýBaba'is, in about sevenlty-five. cities of the United States and.Can- ada, prepa ring the way for public, meetings by whièh the new' teaçh- ings can be brought t'O the attention .of ail., As- rapidly, as 'possible, it is an- nounced, study.classes will be formed where, without cost or obligation, the Baha'i. principles in relation, to the problems of' relÎiios unity, inter- national peace, immortality, race prej- udice, eeonomic staàbility. and other current issues. cati be explained, Wilmette Pupils Toke Gifts to Poor Children Tovs' candy, oranges and cookies ~for a Christrnas party at the Olivet institute Vedder street kindergarten were provided by Wilmette children1 enrolled in the two first grade .rooms at Howard school. This joy-giving enter-prise was carried throughi under the direction of the teachers, Miss Elsie Lindenmeyer and Miss Rutht Slown, with the cooperation of the' parents and children.- This kinder-. garten to which the gifts were sent f is located- in one of the miost needy.t foreign sec tions on the near northt il 1-- -, Igc:, tilt c Minuren rç- ceived more than any of.them ever had at one time previousfy. WiAnt farirlfib A Joursg t4ritnuwo regzular meeting of the Wilmette Op,- timist club. In searching for a club activity that would find public interest through its civic importance, lencl local color and encouragement to. Wilmette- Scout ýand Camp Pire, activity and carry the study oôf :Wilmette's earliest historv to the publié schools in Ilhe writing of conipe.titiv.e essays on local' Indian hiçtorv and the earlv v'cuntion of the present village site, Président, Ar- thur L'ee subniitted -to the club is ýplan for the 'erection of a permanent niemorial to the early Indian occupa- tion of this territôr. The>plan found immediate response. Mr. ýLee at once -appointed the lol- lowing conimittee to serve uiitil , i-ch a plan is consunimated: Dr. D. W. Rapp, Dr. G. D. Upson, E. G. Petrv, J. J. Sc hneider, N. A. Schwall. Bv' unlanimous -vote Mr. LeeÀkas electe't ! chai.rmani. of the committee. At th e meeting: of, the club, set for january 6 Chibiaboos, full-bloodedl Chippewa chief and , well known tenor, was sec.ured through -the- Grand Council PFire of American In- dians,,andWill appear infullI Indian costumfe to lend'interest to the move- nient. AIll Boy Scouts and Camp Fire girls of Wilmette wilL be initîed Io '.attend. SLater the committee, after> the gatherirng of local material the research,' will find its Indian in- terpretation and expression in à Tô- tem Pole to be carved by the Indians" and upon a suitable location being- Iesignated b3t village authorities, prefrrably in Wa -shington* Park, the Pole will be erected with suitable cerenmonyý and dedlicated as public j; Optimist club by William- H., Ellis, chairmain of the Board of, Local, Charities, askcing, that.,t he club ap- point a representative to that b oard, was concurred -in, and, the appoint- ment of Dr..Arthur Tuttie, chairman of the club's Charity committee,1 met' ,with unanimious approval. .. :, Mr. Lorimer of Alaska gave a short talk on. the commercialization of IN WILMETTE,13 AS-TA-?1ARIE )f<>ier>i, G loves and Undergarméents Central Ave. Wilne tte 4370 F A- 1139,