Neti ,Year's IEve WiIl beagy gooti time for the members ofý Shawlnee Country club 'andi their giiests. Both of Cope Harvey'st orchestras, the "'Yeilàwu, Dragons" ani "Batigers" %il >ay ani did*o- ner will be served, frîom- 8:30 o'clock: on, anti breakfast «411 be serieti beginning at 2 o'clock. The above pictures show Chris Meld- gard's Badger orchestra at the upper left and Kady Farweli's Yellow Drag- Qon orchestra at the. lower left. The Pacemakers, an1 air-famous quartet of radio.,stars which will present an un- Kenlworth Inn Has Out-of-Town Guests .Fromi the east and south visitors have, conie to spend the holidays with relatives at the Kenilworth Inn. The first to ar rive wa.s Miss Peggy Welch, a student at the Fassifer school at Heuderson, N. C., who is visiting ber mother,. Mrs. William O. 'Welch. On Sunday William and George Rose came from Corneli university and the Berkshire school, re spectively, to be with their parents, Cen. and Mrs. W. H. Rose. On Wednesday Miss. Adelaide Walsh. and. Miss Dorothy Ethel Walsh of New York City. ar- rived at the Inn to be the guest of their sister, Mrs. Graham Duffield, during the holidays. John E. Sykes, Jr., who attends Clark Preparatory school at Hanover, also has beenI. usual' arranigemient: of stringed instru- mients and novelt-y numbers, is shown in the upper right hand corner, and a petite solo, dancer, who Will .enetn the4guests, is shown at the lowertiht Other attractions will be thée Krelow balet;. Lucille Long, soprano;J. Henry, Phillipi, draînatic tenor; John Bur- dette, singer; the blonde <lance do Mfargaret Wilfinger and Virginia Worthington. Don't Forget- I CENT SAL Continues until January 3 (Sec Wilmett, Lite, Deoember 19) The 2ind Hat, Suit:, Dres;, Overcoat, Drape - Curtain. Blanket, Auto Robe cleaned for ......1c 25% Additional Charge for Deliuerg £rmutm eoeirautgro, Ifur. 1150 Central Ave. Minmet:te 3710-704 To those loyal friendseand patrons who have ,meant ALL to us we oiler this NewYers Gretig-lstng goodfortune, hapines ud progperity to you andi you rs. For the NEW YBAR'S Delicious ice creaau moulds, pies, cakes, etc., are sure to de- light-your guests.- tillM P. M. DEUG COMPANY Serving North Shore Residemis for More than 26 Yeaes Wilmette Central "Aves. OPen Sundays, Ph ones:WI.400- 109 P. M. Miss Mary Janc Thomas of Il Chestnut avenue returned home lai Satusrday to spend the holidays wit ber parents, Mr. and M~rs. Edwar W. Thomas. Sheis attending' Kenda hall ,near. otn INC. WIWbETTE 116s WILMETTE AVE. WILME * '1~ al~