* g -.Christmas baskets were dëlivered * I to various needy families and a con- tribution made to the Christmas, fund at the Sôldiers' and Sailors' Orphans' home at Normal,, 11,. The unit. bas. *recently adopted two of these, chiu- dren, 'a bréther and -a sister seven and eight years old. Besides candies -4and cookies, a gif t especially re- quested was sent to* each 'of these children.' This -work was, in charge chairman.. 0&O Tuesday afternoon, December1 ?3, the rehabilitationcomfmittee gavei apa rty at the ward at Gr eat Lakes, decorating. a Christmas tree and dis- tributing gifts to the men. These in- cluded a utility. bag for each man1 containing. ten useful articles. The thirty-two bags were lilled. by mem- bers of the unit. . Mrs. E. H. Myr- land, rehabilitation chairman, was as- sisted ini this work by 'Mrs. F. J Dowd, Mrs. Arthur Johnson, and Mts. A. I1* Gainiss. 'fe unttnmade a contribution to the sweater fun#i of the state departmen.t and Mrs. R. W. McCandlish .afid Mrs. C. B. Cochran helpedlu âistributing sweaters at the, * Kenilorth santtarium '1 Mrs. C. Dowd, and last we eighteen. bu at the Norti County cour PVevevh.,i B.Cochran, Mrs. F. J Mrs. E. Sanders assisted in sewing, naines in ndréd slippers for the mnen Madame. Gilder oy Scott brought th lyfrom England last sumnmer. The music, arranged by lR. R.~ Biroome, was extremely quaint, of odd rhythm and unusual harmnonies, portraying the story of tbee Nativity- as it Was.visualized, by the English people of the l4thto the early 17th. centuries. Authentic mnedieval cos- turnes added color and richness to the beauty of the setting. Qne would hardly1 have believýed it possible that sixtfeen children from seven* to fouiteen years'of age could meCmorize and sing a cappella. and'in processional, this diflicuit music, but it-Was accomnplishedmost ffectivl. Credit, for the. success. of the play goes irst to Madame -Scott,ý the. di- rector.. Real1 musicianship, was dis- played by Lydia Koch,, organist. o 'ui tnAUcounry b4ut none more I WWi *"te --- I nique, more bea ul~, more vividly I IU 14 eUw impresàivre tb..n tblï.» I SmPlg-"GOOD TAS;;" THE SPIRIT 0F7 TE CHRIST A NEW INTERPRBTATION A series of Leturs by Rev. Albert Vail Sunday Afternoonio at 3:630.0'clock Mi the Fudto Hall of thie Badi Temple Lin<en tAve. andIlSbeian -Boal, Wfmette Entraneaens on iAe What did Jesus mcmii when he said: De. 2& - "I o and I co e g i During January, Rev. Albert Vail will five a. erles of lectures 012 "A New Vision of God" GEERL MÂRKE T HOUSE:COMPANY Begs to Announce the Opening of Their Ultra Modem FreshMeat (No The seventh district gave parties at Great Lakes and North Chicago hos- pitals on Tuesday evening, December 23.' Mrs. George -Leal, Dr. Beatrice HIawkins, and Mrs. F. j.* Dowd repre- sented the unitat these parties. The, unit furnished one thôusand home made cookies contril>uted by the niiembers. *Miss Marjorie Mead, daughter Mr. and Mrs. Walter T. Mead 1040 Forest avenue. returned hoi TAe noveZ featurea of this ahop menit tur inspec- tion, and you are cordially inwited to viait US Open for Your spc ionFiday,: Deceme 26th, After 1:00- P. Me Opu*, for Bushus &atrday, Doceuaber 27th Gr*e.Mleat 471 mUOnSe treet GENERAL MARUET HOUSE. COMPANT 8151h lDls Strtet nta l lione .eCECAGO 5k0 D)AILY DELIVF M'ES