+lose, 79c brpnary val.Il CorffceII li ik ,ý iho" of clear. oven *weeve i4 w.lf end Frernch tisai, smort Î. fer shed-es. ~'HsyFriFlour $2-95 &$495 Thr..-p1.c. Iounging, se. of quailfy rayon in strfling pat+ernis and colors. Values to,;$10 at two specdal prkces. Lord', Uaderwear-Sod Floor Now 1/2 PRICE A collection comprisincg the. types, matorials- and tWimmings most in demand.by-smarf. women. Mots whose 'lobels pr>cla&rn ýthéir. superbstyling. :OverfýyJth ru -make an: early selection. it n h ru Liord's Millierpý-Soev4 Floor ,G reates t ets' f Pink broche,. 1: $4.50 values. :stepins, $4.50 ýntintu@d models es > ndi girdies, talés Wrap- s withwaist iUp to $7.50 5 rPink broche, es, ail sizes, -$5 mony of thme tppulor mod- Ft. ond girdies 5use of broken up to $7.50 Twîce,.a LORDi'S Rich flat cees strkin prntPat- ersand feather- AT$ DresIssodds omd *nds. cçrep es and Chiffons- gome, formis, values to, $25--broken izes. Se.- these dressesi ODD LOT 0F January AT,$99 Formai frocks and:.fiat crope afternoon drese wiifi long hleeves. Back. and high'shades. $29.50 values. AT.$25 non resseswith>long sisees, hos.price ags r.ad $29.50. Exceptional "buys." Sales realr Disposai aeo Famous $15ý Dresses $ 995 lut-smiorteitcol. ors as well:as black and u'hite. A Il in the new ilhoumettex. AT $295 Our htgiher-piiced dresses for bofhi formel, and informaiocaon thaf hav. e, en »seing: TO $6.95e NO.W $1.79 - ~wM~ IT IS scarc.Iy crédibe Ihat such beaufifully mad. frocks--repres.ni'ing prac- tuco lIy every success of 1h. seaso n-c an b. off.red for so liffl.. Can you fhink of any botter way to spend Christmas giff mon.y lo edvanlae than fo select several of those lov.Iy dresses ai' $9.950 WOMEN*9S SKIRTSb 'VALUES àludè*pard-Seé.udFI.# 2- r-l C-W U ýýL 1 Ir