To* Our Cusgtomers Foe theDwîo A Foirer Day, At this sealon of- the year may. you leave 'bebind you ail cares,. distractions and fears, and take, cit you tbrough the future those truly Christ-ý mas. Sentiments, . rotherly Love, Hope, Hapi-> ness and Good Cheer. and jfried 'Thç fou ndation of al business ju friendsbip, and with eacb niew year it, is a. pleasure to extend Our ,best wisbes to ýtbose wbose friendship' we cberisb. May your Holiday Season' be happy, and'tbe New Year. prospetous. AýL RODeNKIRK The Satiafactory Store 1123-25 -27 CnriAv.PweW1. 1914 *4th. Street Auto Service, ýComplete Garage Service 516.4th Street Wilmette 3064 Y/2 BokN0oh.blof "L" Stat ion JOYOUS .G-REETLNGS ToOur My riends and'Patrons 'T IS a great. for wish you welI' Cw L4 AvueWilm ette Avenue