n (6rrrti b n ~'ga0nhti~ (!kr~ttnga Like Troubadours of old hailing happy events, we greet the coming year as a fresh opportunity for. our friends and patrons to enjoy life to the Full. The Season's Greet- ings to ail! FRANK HLAVACEK & SONS Ridge Road, South of Wilmette-Ave Merry chimes announce the advent of a New Year. We hope that for all our friends and patrons it js a year of unparalleled good fortune. Herbon Bros. Garage and Wilmette 21 Cab Co. 732 Twelfth Street Wilmette 2186 lt~g &gaann' %rgttinga A Good Wiur Message to Our and Patrons An Appreciation of backward over a year of WHRERE W. WM. WINBERG, la E!VERY. PRESCRIPTION PHARMAC' BODY REPUTATION FOR GOOD DRU GOES 4 417 Linden Ave. Wimtte, li ,1.0, L22Jg 521 MAIN STREET Wilas at.32 ' Friends