TOOUR PATRONS,. AND FRIENDS. May the glorlous inapiration* of this Yulee tide seaaon t ingling with good cher and fellowship live long in.'your memory and May -the.New'Year'brint. forth. the com- plet. fulfihîment of each on. of your fondest desires, including an abundant- measure, of good health and happines. Wilmette Grocery & Market For Better Things ta Eat ..1146 Central Avenue Phones ý420.423-425 RBzDKEB aoe., Pro>,. Witb the joyous spirit of ýYuletide cornes the;pl.easure of. extending' to pur host ofý frinds'and p atrons theé sincere tidings of, the season.. May. the holidays be one of jo yous pleasure and the herald of the New Year filled with abundant pleasures, and con- ten tment, is the sincere wisb of Mestjian Bros., Inc, 511 MAIN STREET, WILMETTe Wilmette 1949 University 5050 OUR WISH HEALTH. WEALTH . HAPPINESS 4.-, 'i J.