Store Hours: Weekdays, 9 a. m. to 5:30 p. M. Saturclays, 9 a. m. to 9 p. M. JANUARY LINEN SALES 'OFFER... MORE, AMAZI.NG VALUES. THAN '.EVER BEFORE. Chek p o yurinnsNowý is ýthe e to stock the entire house wi*th uew linens a reat sa"*n~ for the dining room For'the bedroom Charming darnask sets, in beautiful designs.' Some of these corne in colors and ail of, them are remarkably low prioed. Sprightly littie luncheon sets that add such chic to informal parties are but a pittanoe. "Wonderful values in plain, or hemstitched, shbeets and.pillow cases,, rivalled-only by the blanket a~nd coniforter values. LIN ENS ON THE TI-JIRD. FLOOR