West of and Opposite Indian Hill Station PRIVATE FOARKING SPACE .What an effective DIN.ING, ROOM this, ýbeautifuÙl1paper would make! 14 4 OLLS is sufficient for th e average dining room, making.a, total of $37.8o. This> paper can be hung at the. cost of only $ r. a roll for ýlabor., Think of, the CHEER- F U L CHANGE this would make in a dining room which bas l.ost its freshness. The whole cost would be small and the bot ber a mere triHe with the experienced workman of $2.70 A ROLL. today. Fabric Shop Mi.ss Cornelison, Imc. 156 C enter. St. Winnetka 446 Now Is,,the Very Time, If you wish the best estce, the best work and ýprompt redelive ry, To Take Inventoryof'Neededý Fuirniture Repairs Why longer endure the loose chair armn, that shaky piece of furniture, the drawer that sticks'and lama, or the ,narred table. topP Ask for an Estimate and Compare Our Prices With Others * IMm UM * Te4e#h.»oWinelka 3470o 1 i Believe It or Not! Donner at The Tavern on Suùndays costs but' 25c more, and on w.eek days but 50c more than d inner Wt the ordinary Tea Room. Luncheon costs only, 10e te 35c more. Do You Prefer-- il FOR THE SOUTH When in town lunch or dine at "po0" North Michigan Avenue 152 Center Street BEREA, KY.- Mu.S. GUY STUART BAM WI.stI,. 3462 r.~v 1I~