*Automobile Show When visitors to the National Au- tomobile Show in Chicago january 24-31 step within the historic Coli- seum, where the great exhibit will be, beld, they wili finùd themserves in the setting of a huge-Italian palacei ,Tbe building that bas seen presidential candidates nornlinated, heavyweight championships decided.. Bull. Moose staàmpedesand every variety of con- vention under the sun, will appear in the dress cf rich medievrat architeqc- ture, strikingly.rich and luxurious as an amazing backgrouind for tbe latest models ýof motor cars of fiftyý-five different inakes. Samhuel Ascb, veteran designer for tbe expositions that bave beeil a feature o f New York, and Chicago if e for more than thirty years, out- lines what is invoiveci in preparing the exhibition quarters, for tbe Na- tional Automobile shows at both cities. They are under the àeiieral -management of S. A. Miles. , "Since the automobile industry 'will be- on parade at the two expo- sitions with the finest craftsmaiisliip1) and the greatest values it bas off ered in a generation," said Mr. Asch, "it wilI be necessary to have appropriate settings, and 1 have been commis- sioned to make as extensive and cos t- Iy transformations as are necessary te carry out the idea of the Italiagn Palace. It wilI cost approximatefr 200,000 to arrange the Grand Central Palace at New York and the Col- iseum àt Chicago to bouse the 1931 shows. 1 "More than 500 workmen will be re- quired to instaîl both shows. One of the featîires of the Chicago show wil be the electrical. equipment costing nearly $25,000, -and requiring a, con- tinuous load of. 450,000O watts, or enough current to ight 800 bornes. More than 250 mill operatives are now busy weaving 22,000 yards of carpet required for botb shows. Ap- "I R esolve to Cross Streets Carefully During 1931,>' reads the wording on the January safety' poster just issued by the accident prevention 'department of tble Chicago Môtor club.-to approxi- mately, 40,000. scbool rooms in nortbern Illinois and northern Indiana. The "resoluÜtion" i portrayed on. a. blackboard, and several. cbildren are sbown signing theéir names underneatb it. In a -letter wbichl accompaniied - the posters the, motor club safety departmfent urged -teachers' to, present such a resolution to theii pupils and to bavýe it Sllgàed by tbem. The child Whô signs bis namie to tbe reso- lution to be careful on tbe streets during,1931 will be more likely to remember the 'resolution and 'to act upon it, than would the child wbo made the same resolution ini a less dramatic manner, -the let- ter pointed out. Ruses in Illinois Carry 100,000,000 More than 100,000,000 passengers were carried by motor buses in Ilii- nois during the year ended June 30, 1930, the annual report of the Illinois Commerce commission reveais. ttiat it nas been necessary for the commission. to create a- bus departý- ment "for the purpose of, 'a more efficient supervision.and regulation of this new transportation utility." When the year ended, eigbty-seven oassenger, and twelve truck lines were in operation, the report shows. These companies operated 1-,658> buses and forty-three freight trucks, and cov- ered 7,400.2 miles, the report shows. The actual number of passengers carried during the year was 1.03,- Service THE NORTHWEST MOUNTY Canada's Notihest ,Mouâneed Police have made an enviable reputation for themmelves, both for courage and stendfaituess of purpos. Many wonderful tones are told of the manner ini which they have undrgn weêks- and months. of hardshîp and ended up by "bringîng in their man." Notrail is too long,_ nor aiy1 diffiCUlt or set of difliculties ton greet -for themt to overcome.. When anassigàment is gîven to one of them, he* accepta it cheerfully-and follows it through to its p0roper conclusion. The: méchanics in our Preventorium have an- idea that* motor troubles are liko dangerous criminals. . Wlien one of thon, is givenl "an assignment" he goes ut it elliciently and systefiati- cally. He locates the trouble quickly and eliminates any possibility of it causing furtherdasmiage. 'i~houc J. C. SLOWN A.B. VAN DEUSEN Largest Motor Repair Shop in Wilmette I NEVER CLOSED PA-CKAR A Safe Place to Buy' a Used Fne i Car otort never have mort eautiful or lavish towns, will have a system of Ianes, shows been, stagcd, and the public *-r blind tboroughfares. brancbing off this year will get a tbrill neyer be- front the streets. The cars of visitors fore experienced in seeing and exam-. to bouses or business establishments ining the latest Muoels, offered by the park in. these lanes, on which there different .manufatturers." s no through, traffic. Call the Lsd Car De>artnes and Arrange tor a Demomeaag.on PACKARD MOTOR CAIR COMPANY OF CHICAGO 925 LINDEN AVENUE, HUBBARD WOODS Winnetka 3070 Greenleef 6M,0