The BOARD 0F DIRECTORS ARTHUR ANDERSEN Arthmur Andersea n ndCompany SEWELL L AVERY Nr.dden* United Stats Gypsum Co.. SCOTBROWN À**om.y NELSON L BUCK Vice Presideni wm. WrlIy. r. Company ROBERT L CAMPBELL: Asoci-te- Counsel. Knapp. neye, Alle. Cochran & Cushng WILLI AM' A. DYCHE Chahwan of Board WILLIAM EASTMAN Vice PresideIa* Slately p$nl4nq Company WHAT PLANS FOR 1931?*ýý While faking inventory of your affairs, have you mode a comprehensive plan for the handling of your esfaf.-- plan which wiIl put your family's future protection on a' solid business-like foundafion? Have you made your wiII? Or, Wif if as been drawn, does if represent your wishes today? Accumulated experience, continuous existence, an accuraie accounting ,sysfem, counsel and direction of skilled business monwill' b. af your command if you appoint the State Bank and Trust Comfpany execufor of your estafe. YOUR LIFE INSURANCE wli.n leff in trust wil no ORRI EVANSTON AT ILLINOIS