in 17QZ vas irst proucea at the RovBi theater, Drury* Laue, London, thb foilowng year.. The Country Club players were credited. with the premnicre1 American production whcn t hejy playcd te an enthusiastic audi- ence at thbe Country club of E~vans-> ton last November. Tii. performance on 'November 21 ithe aàuditorium of the coilege .v-iii beaiefit -'the Mary Crane nursery a* Hull Ilouse, wbicb is cooductc.4-and supported by the. National, College Of lEducation.. Mrs. Henry G. Phillips is president of the league, which is a gr'eup of lEvanston 4nd uorth shore women Who. are endcavoring to assiat the ic0iIege in many ways in meeting' the isës of Mary Crane.. The present industriai situation as t affects the, litry Cane fiiies intreases the. 4.mnds upon the coilege 'and the leaa11C this- seaqn,. 'and the Coun- try Club players are generously con- rihbuting, their talent, te this spicti- ddcause. Mrs Phillips, gencral chairmnan of arrangements for the presentation of the. players, is be- ing assisted by Mrs. Herman Fabry and Mrs. Carence Clarke, who are li charge of the tickets; Mrs. Robert. S. -Spaeth, program chairman 'with Mrs. Palmér Brown and Mrs. C. S. Rin'eoaLsmsitnzMis. Charles M. <.roves, airs. Alfread lime, r.i. L. Lane, chairmen of Evanston League chapters,' and Mrs. Percy W.. Bradstreet, Winngtka chapter chair- man. Mrs. J. Edgar Lee and Mrs. Clive Bishop 'are also assisting in publicity and thesale of tickets. Lindskog.Neubacher Wedding Party'Listed Mis-s atherine Elizabeth Lindskog: .-".vs A Mosth in tbe'Countr9', haigPreccdcd it. Ti. furi, . Harri' Prodction of Gogoilf' The Inspetor ecral" whiicb aspro- duced at the Goodmii twoyea rs mao bas' just had its pre in iiNew York. "Tihe Sea Guil» viii markc the local stage debut ot Karen. Nielsen, Steved-, son, former Dauish ýactress, who, takes the. central rqlë of M )adaXuaC Arkadina, rý.tlred uctç *put whômn the web of the tragedy là spun. Mr$. Stevenson, one of Chicagoâ'sMost prominent socialites wiii be fetcd at severai parties and bas drawvu a large audienco, -from ithe ranka of socicty te witncss..ber .debut. Miss Grace Abbott Next League Forum Speaker Mi« Grace Abbott, chief of tbe children's bureau of the U. 'S. De- 49.rmie'it of' Labor, will be the< hon<'red guest and speaker' at the meeting of the -Forum of tbe Leagie. -f Wrmen Voters on Saturday, janu- ary 10. wben she will speak "In Be-' half of Mothers and Babies." The meeting~ will be in the Florentine ronm of the Congress liotel at ' as its own sincc she lived for years at Hull House, was director of the Immigrants' Protective league of Chi- cago for ten years and executive secrctary et the Illinois Immigrants commission ini 1920. Last September Miss Abbott represented the United States State department as an ad-, visory member of the children's divi- sion of the League of Nations cein- mittee on Traffic in Women and Children. photo by Mabei Sykes Boily of 1218 Oak street, Win- netka, annouusce the engagement of their daughter,' Lois Lenore, to Donzald J. Dick of Winnetka. Miss Baily a tcnded the Columbia School of Music, wid is a member of Sigina Alpha Iota, national hon- orary musical se rorit y. Mr. Dick is a senior in the. Law school at Northwesterit university andi a ~neniber of Sigma 'Delta Kappa fraternity._______ Mrs. Fiske, in Fred Ballard's new comiedy, "Ladies of the jury," is te appear at the Blackstone theater, Chi- cago, in a limiited engageffent begin- ning Monday, january 12j 'when ten percent of the reccipts are te be given to charity, according to Miss Adelaide L. Hanaford, of Aladdin's Lamp,' in charge of Blackstone publicity on the- north shore. is te b In this series entitied The Psy- chologies of Today» Dr. Scboolman. first made a plea for PsYchoiOgy, saying that it is se often unisunder-ý stood, and- that its' frankness makes some people consider it evený blas- phemous, a nd some c f our, largest best knoôwn colileges do flot1 teach it as they are afraid. of uipsetting their traditions*. He likes to know bis. audience first so he mnay determnine, for -future: lectures if he mnust. be con- servativé or franikly revealing: or in bis own Way of putting it - justhow blasphemous hie may be. ,He gave a survey, of the différent schools -of psychology, and also ex- pliedteessence of the sirt Of Dr. 'Schoomnan' told us that we are living in an age of chaos, as -t-here, had been ýse many 'changes tnhe. last fifty yéars in our customs. and tradi- tions, this Al being brought about 'y -scienceé. He tells it i sch spléndid order and a most natural manner that he brings this ail involving subjeçt to you 1 . a way that you can -undcrstand, and therefore you, llnd yoursclf deeply enjoying it. On January 20, Dr. Schoiman wii rest" which will be an awakcning for our tbeughts. On Fcbruary 3, he will speak on "'The New Psyrdbelogy and Our Childrefi," and this. no doubt will be a .most helpful subject. This course of lectures is being held at the Kenilworth club, .et 10:15 o'clock in,' the morning. AiU Ôur friends as well as members are môst welcomc. Women Voters, Announce Janualry Radio Programs The January radio program of the Illinois League of Women, Voters. proves once more that there is a-. wide-awake organization in the state, which makes its business the distri- bution of non-partisan news concern- ,ee iuerica ment In é Par," dd"n Ijan» Siou the'si I OCY.ai7, D ýpars.