Com'bineýs ýVogue w.ith, Value! Seasonable., fimeIy and ult.rly fashion-rigki,"th6 apparel which c.Om- prises our greaf cIearanceýoupS OffFertawdadvaried:seleclion of coati and frocks, -suitable for ilm*dial.andWnerrodwa. Fur-Trmmed Coets. For Women, isses and Larger Women. Values to -$89.50 ~14 $33 ~22ý $48 Her. are coats in black mnd sponsored costume colors, mode of broodcIoth, suede fabriks and imperafo. richly trimm.d wifh fitch, lapin, caracul, Portion lamb and oliier favored furs. ACroup, of, Dress Coats.... I *..formerly prce ai$125 and $149.50,$Qf.5 ère now :r.duced for clearance, to- just Q Womens Sm& t Frocks Juniors',, Misses'À, Women's- and, Extra Size Values to $29.50. ~14 S.1k, velvel and w<ool c7rpe fashic-, fhese cliormng frocks 1in modes for ev.ry daytim. occasioni. ler. one finds'chic Blackc as w.II as a range of the approv.d Wiritefrock colors. $11 î.. mode-assured and beautifully mode. in, a wieassori ment, for quick clearance, -0o0eI - Aparel Sho ps-Sec-ond Ploor Trul.y Noteworthyl i -~ y Values -E VÂNS 'TO N ~Àt~ a .h,..StÀÀn.~ 41. -. - e -. ~ -Sp' *t~tj~ ~ .wI ýl. ý - m