YouI'll b. moey b pocket" if you take, advacntag.ý of the unique value..nth JANUAýRY-'SALE Ifs coloreti muiin.. $3.45 imagine àa hand-tufted bedispread, for h.the single ordoublé e bd ize.. at 0.OF -ýLINENSý Dont Miss These Other JanuaryEvents . 44T>H A NN U.AL. SALE 0F SHIRTS Complete selection of al colored shirts, both collai attachcd -and neckband styles at redueed prives., AUl fane'y pajamas- can b'e Ipur.chased at a saving. January Cearance of Men's Nats Mon's.anti Young tMen's Suifs nd Over coats Now Reduced 1 Boys" Loather Conts, Knickeprs, Redmicoti 'e 22