';Chipa and Côe Glade as -principals, and an excelklnt supporting cast. Schipa is to be heard as Wilhelin Meister, Miss Glade as Mignon, Margherita Salvi, as Philena, Chase Baromeo as Lothario, Jenny Toure! as Frederiék, Desire. Defrere as Laertes, and Eugenio Sandrini as Jarno. There wilI, be a ballet,, and' Emil, Cooper will, conduct. Next week opens with another*per- formance of. Smetana's bright opera, "'The Bartered Bride," which' the Civi c Opera company does, so well. The cast is composed of Maria Rajdi as M aria, Hilda Burke as Esmeralda, Maria ,Olszewska as Katinka, Sonia Sharnova as Agnes, Theodore Strack as Hans, Octave Dua as Wenzel, E-d- uard Habicb as Kruschina, Robert Ringling as Springer, Alexander Kip- nïs as K ezal, Cbase Baromeo as Micha, -and there *ill be a ballet. Egon Pellàk -will conduct. -Tuesday rns io, as stated above. On Wednesday evening, January I 14, there is a repeat performance of 1 'Cavalleria Rusticana" and "I Pag-j liacci," with Rosa Raisa as Santiuzza, I Antonio Cortis asý. Turiddu, Irene Pavloska as Lola, Maria Claessens as Lucia, Desire Defrere as Alio in the' first; and Hilda Burkce, Charles Mar- shall, Richard, Bonelli, Giuseppe Cav- adore' and Désire Defrere in the Daniel Saidenberg, new first 'celi- ist of the Chicago Symphony orches- tra, will-.be heard for'the first time as soloist,.with.the orchestra at the Friday afternoôon,. January 16, and Saturday eve ning, january 17,.pair of concerts.ý Hewihl play the" famous LaloD minor concerto. 7Eric DIeLanarter will conduct ýthe orchestra in a program made up of niloch's "Isrâei -sympnony, and Cna- brier' s i«our'ree Fnasque." Mr. Christian is an Ainerican artist who ,first studied in Chicago. Later he ýwent abroad and studied with Kari Strub, in Leipzig, and- Alexander Guilmant in Paris., U pon his. returfi to Anierica he occupied.a number of, important posts in the middle. west. Since 1924 he has been organist of the University of Michigan and head of the organ department in'the Uni- ,versity School ofE Music. Diseutmmd nmbon mmd- gooda usd for display 'i EVA KARGNI:ýSCýHUýR, c. NORTH SHORE ,HOTEL EVANSTON Ja --nuary Clearance, Sale W. are now offering the great est reduct ions in th. history of this est ablishment. Our enire stock is marked down fer below actuel cost. AFTERNOQON and EVENINC DRESSES Isolde, Maria Qlszewska as Bran- gaene, Theodore Strack as Trristan, Ridoif Bockehnann as Kurv,-nal, Al- exander Kibnis as King Marke, Eduard Habich as Melot, Giuseppe Cavadore as a sailor's voicei-Octave Dua as a shepherd, Antonio Nicolic'h as the helmsman. Egon Pollak will conduct. This is a music drama in three acts by Richard Wagner, and its length is the cause of the early start. 1 $15.00 $2500$35-00' Former Values $45.00 to $95.00O $45-00 COATS and SUIT$S--FURRED, an d UNFURRED $2500 $4500 $ 5 5.00 t $95.00 Former Values. $75. 00 ta, $195.00 91.00 w An EarIy Seloction Us Advised as Thoe Astounding Values Can Lest but e short WhiI. NO, REFUNDS -ALL SALES. FINAL- NO 'EXCHANCESI FRAN'h 1