as chairluan of the churc:h's pack comrnîttee. Associated with Mr. Good- man on the committee are Arthur H. Seddan, Tirrel Jý I*errenz, and H. C. Toeppeju. The active leadership,&f-the -Pack is. in the hands of J. Claire* Meade, Cubmaster. Director of Religious JEducation for the Church. Assisting Mr.. Meade- are, the following Den leaders, Arthur J. 'Jonies, BillMrMor- ran, Bill Melchior, Edwvard Andrews,: Norton Potter and Paul William. Troop .5 l9 AmnQuncing Re-regitration ýfor...1931 The 1931 re-registration of. Troop 5iss follows: Troop cornmittee- Otto Von Der Hoff, chairman; John B. Bartholomew, Ernest H. Freeman, William 0. Morris and Frank Rey- nolds;, Scoutmaster, L..incoîn. C. Tor- rey; the troop:- Jack Allwortb, Don Anderson, Rmil Anderson, John Bar- tholomew Herman Birland, William 'I Bowen, E4 Bristol, Grahamn Burkce, Tom Finlayson, Henry Foster, Wil- liam Katz, William Melcro, David Miller, Jack McConnell, Fred Robin- son, Ian Stevens, Dick Torrey, Walter j von Ieinsperg, and Russell Wyle.- Troop 5, Wilrnette Presbyterian church, Bill. Bowen an d Graham t Burke,. 4 t 'i Troop 4 Resumes Work After Omitting Two Meets, Troop 4 was unable to uneet for *two weeks, because Christmas, and New Year's eve camne on the very nights we were to hold .our meetings. Thle next meeting was scheduled for Wednesday, January 7, ini the St. * ugustine's church. 1 . hope that every Boy Scout did some good Christmas good, turns.-Gerald Spin- nèrf Troop 4, St. Augustine's Epis- copal church. Scouts of Panther Patrol Open Meeting With Drill Decemiber 19, the Panther patrol Thec golden text was « Behold, God 18 rny salvation; 1 will trust, and flot be afraid" (Isaiah 12:Z). Among the citations which com- prised' the lesson-:selmon was the following f rom the, Bible: "HEéarken .unto me, O Jacob. and Israël, -mry called; 1 amn heé I arn the first, . 1 also amr. the last. Mine hand also hath laid the found ation of the earth, and, my right hand hath spanned the hevens..I arn the Lorid' thy God which teacheth. thee to profit, which leadeth thee by -the. way that -thou shouldest go" Isaiah 48:12, 13, 17). The' lesson-sermon also included: the following, passages fromi the ,Christian Science textbooko, "Science and ,Health with Key to the -Scrp-. turc.s," by Mary. Baker. Eddy: 1"To grasp the realityr and order of. being in its Science, you must begin by reckoniing God as the divine -P rinciple of al t hat really is. Spirit, Lue, Truth, Love, combine as one-and are thue Scriptural 'names for Gode' (p. 275). LEGION BOARD ME£TS A meeting of the Mdvisory board of the Sev'enth District, Arnerican Legion, comprisilng the north shore, consisting of fourteu posts along the North Shore, will be held at 12:15 this noon, at the Boston Oyster House, Chicago, at which time mat-1 ters of importance to the district wil be taken Up. . f Benmie Captuires the Eludwe Chavm o Châdveu Bemie q) etchings ReguldairP rice$10-00 BERNIE STUDIO.. "BEleteerf PictuTres--Better Values" 1623 Sherman Ave, EVANSTON A.Great Sale!. BOYS" OX FORDS -SHOES HI-CUT BOOTS Tel. UNI. 8998 HI.sboot Mr. and Mrs. Iaurence Harrison of, Cincinnati, Ohio, were the holi- day guests- of the Dennis J Harri- Sons, Zno Niath street. Founfain LORDSquar=