% gay, moden rnanner, with the t toýh of the Russian influence seep- l on àta clarming way thts Saturday umtWhg end nat at 10» 'clock at the Hfarris theater. Presented as it is b>' thé Chic4go. Junior league.s chilÏreu' theater, it is thie most arn-A bitie m, th e most finisbed,- and théet Most unusual of their productions a which we haire seen.a Sgace 'does flot permit our dwell- iug, upon each scene, for many they are but so, well and so swiftly are the> brogught before one's eyes thatE they pass quickly in colorful variety. t Tcopysiigwith the var jougsutg- gestions 'for the kind of -production th* secontd ,oie should b., the unor eagers decided toinchude ail in one MreCttatioI1, hence the clever littie, revise,. tbè, Vbatme-80ur, %wbch WiDs the', fav*< of chlldren with leven the~ Most citical an~d 4iscriminatiflg. o& taste, and manv of such there are.1 * >1. opWy the chldTCf in the audience fid enjoyment ithe. revue, for x were comnients with which we were pcteted b>" those who stili are chiU- drei at heart. - T . e spntaeityand he*enjo- Te engagemtent of Miss IEi- * en thec juorLeag ud athees putOY bet?.Sweé, Idaughter of îIE.M. 1 mCat he Juior eagueactrSseg ut of 5M4 Pif t?.stréet, Wil- into the work they do je the one tbing mette, to Prederiçk L. Stone, son, that always impresses us and it is lof Mr. and Mrs. Judson F. Stone preent justa mc ti ya s eer f 24Ashiond avenue, Wimtette, Whether they be gesticuating, higb- Iof 1234 ed recentiy ut a tea steppi'ig tigers of the juniglé, dancers, gie by Miss Sweet's cousin, Mrs. shadwspartiçipafits ini &hehrlst- .E aot o eiwrh ma alacolored f olk iu quest of Y.. ant f Kelwrh tiger butter for pances, the doleitul, impoverished hurdy-gurdlCs whose Hffl for' Petits * scene is one of the best in the show, The )Burt Allan Crowes oif 234 -the living heads in the curtaifi scene, Raleigh road, Kenilworth, have had the actors in the play, the fierce cos- as their recent guests, Mrs. Crowe's soack.q on cantering stdsthtid nephew and niece, Dean Campbell gilon. the ew, the Russian dolls Woowdard and Miss Florence Wood- and daucer, the marionettes from out ard ýof Owosso,- Mich. Mr. Camp- Of thoer box, the quaint stilted charac-; bell sen week-end before last in ter of th. music box, -or the well Kcenilworth when he camne on to et- trained. wooden soldiers, this en- tend the supper dance given by Miss tbusiasm is there. It is that which Sally Minor for Miss Bethany jane pute them at case on the stage and Crowe and her fiancé, Laurence stfpl across the footlights to ineet Knott. Miss Woodward remained mit. resons in the audience.,. over for the bridge, tea gi-yen lest andIs and sprays of green, a large -c white bell of living flowers, a prayer rug, and white satin kneeling cushions for the bride and groom, the wedding of Miss Naomi McDowell antI El- C norte Murphy, son of Mr. and Mrs. AntIrew T. Murphy of W'innetka, .ook place Saturday afternoof, janu- àry 3. Only the immediate'tfamilies antId a f ewintimate 'friends iwitnessed ,the teremony w1hich was performed at 4 ô?clock., Af ter the servc,e- the guests were served a *edding dinner at the. Georgian hotel ini Evanstoli and later that, evening the bride and groom de- .parted on the Seininole limited for Miami, . Fia.,, where they: will spendj 'lie bride w.ore a.silk traveling suit 1 of turquoise blue trimmed with white * lace, and, shoes and hat to match, the- latter trimmed with white straw. She1 carried- a bousquet of pink. roses antI- liles of tbe valley.. Her only attend- ant was her sister, Mir.$. John Mc- Cabe of Evyaiston, who was dressed« in a suit of ecru lace with a silk braid hat antI hose to match, hier shoes were of brown ant iber flowers were roses and snap dragons of a dIeep pink hue. Mrs. McDowell was in a dark green f rock with eyelet trimming antI Mrs., Murphy wore brown silk with peach. colored chiffon. Walter Colbath of Evanston served Mr. Murphy as -best man. Just preceding, the ceremony Miss> 1Marie Flentye of Wilmette played a medley of wedding selections, . and later, the wedding iniarch, -as the bride and- groom descended the stairway. .1Afté'r Mn. and Mrs. Murphy re- tunn f rom the south, the>' will be at home at 2455 Prairie avenue, Evans- ton. Annual Ccwd Par~ty I8 Woman's Club,Beniefit' The annual afternoon card party. for the benefit of the building fund of the Woman's club of Wilmette is to begin -at 2 o'clock on january S20. It is to b, as always, a sort church, Columbus, Ga., when Miss )orothy Crier, daughter of Col. and Mrs. Harry S. Crier of Fort Ben- ning, and Lieut. Claude Burbach, son of Henry J. Burbach of 1020) Linden avenue, Wilmette, were married. The thurch was profusely decorated with aàlns 'and: ferns which formed .a. background for-the taîl floor 'va.ses of lon~g stemimed white chrysanthe- nunis and white roses, interspersed. with brass. candelabra, holding ivory ,olored 'cathedral. candies. -On cither ;îde of the altar the regimnental colors and the national flag were 'plac.ed, The bride, who was given1 in mar- riage by bher, father,. wore a handi. sme ivory- satin imported gown 1 of:. princess, style Wi.th cowl ýneck -and long, close fitting sleeves. The, voluin- inous tulle veil feli to the hemn of ber gown and a coronet of imported, Brussels. point lace *as caught at. ,the back'and felu in a cascade. Her, bouquet comprised bride's roses and Illies-of-the-valley. Mrs. Hayden Grubbs as matron of honor wore a gown of soft yel- low velvet transparent made in prin- cess style. With this she w ore. a mgtching velvet turban, yellow slip- pers, and long gloves. Hër --fiowers weré -talisman roses and tawny col-. ored snapdragons. Miss Barbara King, the niaid of honor, was, in creain colored transparent veivet.ý She carried an arn bouquet similar to those held by the matron of honor and the bridesmaids. The bridesmaids were Miss Celeste Broach, Miss Har- riet Atkiiis, Miss Mabel Billingslea, and Miss Bess Berry. They were costumed in silver green transparent velvet en train with turbans to match., Lieut.,James -,Grier served the, groom as b est man. The ushers were, .Lieuts. Herschel.. Baker, Hayden Grubbs, 'Herbert Baker, ,Harry Schwarze,. William Bartlette, Doug- las McNair, Pbilip- Drape'r, William, Grubbs. The groonismen formed> with their sabres an arch under which the bride- and groom passéd accordirig to the inipressive minlitary marriage' trer>'and a i rphan. 102 waes coutributed in. wood avenue, for her eut-cf -town returned o Sun be n ----r--------- . S *8ti 11rt*l4c . i *l_____________________ day te her studies at Purdue uni- M-r, aud Mrs. Charles J. Weland, ersity, Lafayette, Iiid. 1111 Sheridan road, gave a large Miss Farmer entertained at a bridge Ni* Years eve dance and mjdnight Party at ber homet for q group of espe i h ballroom etf theirhome. her f riends lat Saturday aie~ -oir*hre wert two hundred uct.