5vmâ uièg urinv Wmà Dom Opea :"-b~ouo S aP. m .. TON1GHrS PICYU RE A FOUR STAR 14CTURE RIc~HARDmuJfN ui MTZ GEE Irnilland Alei a*mle'-s, $UNDAY .nd MONDAY, JAN. 1 i13 1UESDAY end WÊDNESDAY. JAN. 13-14 "IMM WÈIIN IOT CLARA BOW and CHARLES RUCCLES 'UxPensive Ktssks"-Uewt Roach KImpgrsm News THURSDAY and FRIDAY. JAN. 15-16 Fridar, Jamuauy 9 "The Silent )Enemy".Teatro del Lago 'Tlayboy of Paris"....... Wilmette <'Rough Waters".. Comnmunity House 'Tom Sawyer"......... Norshore "The Santa Fe Trail" . Teatro del Lako "The Sea . ,od":.........Wmet "Rough Waters". ..Com.munity Houls 'Tom Szwyer"ý.......... Norshore "ýThe.Cat ,Creeps" ..Teatro de! Lago "Whop.ee..........Wilmùette fTomù Sawyer" ........ Norshore M@nday, January 12 "The Cat :Creepi"... Teatro de! Lago: "Wooe"...........Wilmette 9Billy the Kid"............ Norshore "Her: Wedding Night". Teatro del Lago "«Whoopeé ............ Wilmette "Billy the Ki"d» Norsbore Wedanudy, Jamu"r 14 "lier Wedding Night" Teatro del Lago «Scotland Yard" .......... Wilmnette "A Lady's Morals"........ Norshore Tlwisday, Janumwy 15 "Check and Double Check" Teatro del Lago "Monte Carlo",.......... Wlmette "A Lady's Morals" ..... Norshore Fricday, Janisary 16 "Check and' Double Check" Téatro del Lagor "Monte Carlo"' ..... - -wilmettii1 De4,Jares Amos 'n' Andy Are Great as Linquista Raîf liarolde, who plays the 'iieavy» in Radio. Pictures' feature comedy, "Check and. Double Checkc" starring.Arnos 'n' Andy on Thursday and Priday, January 15 and1 16 at Teatro del Lago, declares fthey.-are th o W raetlnàSThroughout the' production," Har- old asserts, 4l was amazed at the be lu town- 4Uan, UI vom . uneicLý wJin IUn p crowds at the beautiful Teatro del Lago on ThursdaY and Friday, janu- ary 15 and X6 Throngs will want to sec Amos 'n'» Andy, who. ap pear In no dashing beroic role as Richard Dixes or John Gilberte, but rather as themnselv.es, the quaint, wistful, winingi and -warmlv@ human partners of the ' resh Air Taxicab company. "Check and, Douible Check" with ail. pomp: and panoply of the Mystic Knights of the Sea, the Kingfish. Madame Queen, Lightninl' and ai.the rest. of the characters made fanious on the air, together-withý a cast whicb includes :Sue Carol. as the daint-v feniinine lead, Irene Rich, Rita LaRoy, Charles Miorton, Raif Har- olde and Edward Martindale'. is the first; talking picture. appearance of Amos 'n' Andy. CiWs psort subjcts also make the, screen of the Teatro del Lago -dive with educationai and humorous fea-. tilres. Indians Star in Film "The Silent Enémy" is the film to be shown today, Friday, january 9. at. the Teatro del Lago. TIhe sulent enemy is Hunger, and bis oppôn- ents are the Obijway Indians roarn- ing the forests and - plains of the' north country before Columnbus con- ceived the idea tha-t the world was round. Everv member of 'the cast is ý RcnardA frlefl, Kosita Moreno, new Latin beauty, Eugene Pallette, Mitzi Green and junior Duricin are sôme of the featured players ini "The Santa Fe Trail" at the Teatro del Lago on Saturday, january 10. Nature'$ 014- door visions, dauntless, men, ý cou- rageous conduct from. coquett-ish hearts, delightful love moments,- homespun humor, strong charact'r- izations and. a climax of smiashin thrills all distinguish this picture. Redskins' willI-ride in the serial, ana 'm:i5 i a4 ai