Complete Automotive Electrical .'Service. Let s ceckyour starter, generator andeetca systemn before:.itý fails you on the road, far* fromn aid. Wib .te attery 6 Electric Se* [ 740 swlt flet Phoues:Wllnitte 691-696 I BUY. YOUR- COAL ON APPRO VAL!. There is aiways satisfaction in buying reIiabIe merchandise from a reliabi. firm -the satisfaction of g.tting, your money'S Worth. And you can b. jusf as sure of your coal as of anything 'else you buy. Every Ioad of Cansumers' Coal or Coke is sold under our guarantee of hîgh qualify, fuit weight and satisfaction- i must satisfy you or we remove S if and refund your money." Phone us your orclers with enfire confidence. BUY 'YOUR COAL ON APPR-O VAL!ý GUARANTEED COAL FUEL OIL j SOLVAY COKE D EL YE Y YA RD S A L L OER T HE N0R T HS I WLMETE1300 WINN.ETKA -3385 GýLENCOE 75 H 0 R E DIST R1 CT OIL CO* IMiLH.Ba.CalLBa Toluphoui. Wm.u.tka 3m "ot<>F. Doeped Carl Le. Bram'