In Luke's Gospel it is written, "And suddenly tbere was witb the angel a multitude of thebheavenly bost prais- ing God, and saying, Glory to God« in tbe bighest,, and on, earth peace,, good will tc ad men.", This wondrous chorus of angels lis stili sinigin.g,, "Fear, flotr for, behoôld, T bring,,you god tidings of great joy, wbicb shah 'be to ail people" Do anyr of you question, Wbat are the good-tidins that the angels, aie singing today? Christian Science answers that these tidiùngs of, tbeseý angelic messages,. are nothing Iess than a revelation 'of the demonstrable, fact that the same spiritual Trurtb wbicb bealed tbrough Jesus of NZazareth is bere today, bid- ding the dumb to &Peak. the lame to walk, the blinid to see. Christian Sci- enice bas. already healed. its unnum- bered tbousands and sen t themn on their way singing with tbe angels, igGlory to -God in the highest." Wbat is an angel? To a Christian Scientist an angel is flot a celestial personality witb featbered wings, but. an exalted idea fromn divine Mind, an inspirational thougbt-visitant. Actually to expect to bear tbe an- gels-impartations f rom divine good- and to be guided, inspired, and guarded by tbem as were the pro- phets of old, we must know God as He is. Christian Science satisfies tbe beart*with its glorious views of God as Mind, i,,coropeal Mind, the, all- tknowing, the al-P1*sent, divine, in- finite intelligence, - and tbis Mind, Love, tender, living, available Love fui, sinning, and warpect dellection,1 or mortal, to become acquaiâted with the reflection of God-the man who reflects the qualities of divine Mind in. the radiance of right thinking. We can neyer, obey Scripture and put*off "the old man wjth bis deeds," tbe old human, concept of man with his stubborn disposition, nervous tem- perament, and weak character and contitution-ail ,unloveliness-untii we catch glorious glimpses of our identity in the likeness -of divine Love, and, maintain- it,, tliereby refus- ing to express a tbought, motive or deiethat springs not from'the heart of God. Christian Science was discovered and founded by a woman, made spir- itually ready' for such a holy. trust by lessons learned 'from every event of ber life, by buman struggles, des- p erate privations, bheroic overcomings, and lessons learned f rom eévery event of ber life, by human struggles, des- perate privations, heroic overcomings, and deepest longings to know and to take the tbings of God and give tbem to mankind. Througb, spiritual in- spiration Mrs. Eddy received and recorded the revelation of scientific Cbristianity as it unfolded to her con- secrated, Love-inspired consciousness. 0f herself she bas said that she was a "scribe und er orders" (Miscellan- eous Writings, p. 311).- The spiritual,. undeviating, indestructible facta of Truth that appeared to ber God-pre- in wboin man lhves and breathes asf ture9'"-a bookc tfat individual consciousness, for this every. nation from Mind is the very if e of ail, the sole despair to beholdt governor of the universé and man. of hope and hoier l Monst.air. as low as nomning Wit Save "docter of Wilmette, Illinois, at -the close of business on the 3Ist day of December, 1930, as shown by the annual report made by the said bank as a trust company, to the Auditor of Public Accounts of the State of Illinois, pursuant. to law, and filed in, the office of the. said Auditor of Public Accounts, on the 6th, day. of January, 193 1. RESOURCES. Loans. on Real. Estate........... ......$ Loans on Collateral Secuiity ...... ....... CthI7ei Loans ........................... Overdrafts ............................. U. S. Government' Inv'sitrnents......... Other Bonds and Stocks....... ......... Purniture and, Fixtures ...... ..... Other Real -Estate......... ......... Due from Banks, Cash and Other Cash 1Resources .......... ............. Other Resources ...................... 237,505.0 434,751.8 274»2 38,365.01 Total Resources....,.............W..*2,198767.5 LIABILITIES Capitol Stock .........................$ Surplus........................ Undivided Profits (Net)................ Time Deposits..................... Demand Deposits........... Due to Banks....... ..... Dividends Uppaid............ Reserve Accounts.......... ..... Other Liabilities........ ............. 21,888.34 1078*.72 Total Liabilities ................P1,6. of Illinois rof Cook Subscribed and sworn- to before me, (SEAL) this 6th day of january, 1931. JENNIE R. FIELD, Notary Publie. 1103 CEnRi%" WJ Telephofe lhmetfte3 I