on the north side of Chicago. TV~~tU- tI~V E~~U Mrs. Walter F. Schur of Eývanston,. 09 *w wife of Dr. Sciiur, who has bis of. AU h~ L ~ 'y, fice in Minmette, bas rçturned to ber State Dsak a-Pd Trus Comoiy -home fromn the. Presbyterian bospital j nà ýý after undergoing an operation. Route to, FLRIDA *WIJ ioeCPavu.WAR UAMMLDLS è MOUITAMS.MEADOWSE FOIEST *VEIAS 0F THE ïOLD SOUTHI AND 0 Nature and hietory have coenbined ta1 e heDW Mirer Route aa rudof ab;oobing interat. On board .th Ms, every Provision la usLd0for your comfort. The route ijareulful; the achedules fananud reli able. DIXIE LIMITED I*rw.aCÀhicgo 2:*45 p. m. Daily,. Dmrborn Stctivn (via C. &E. L) Suebal-Puihu'an train, ope ratin oni fast uchedule, witii throughar to afil pinipal meort cities. Club and obsrvation cars. Famous Dixie Route mias. DIX IE FLYER Active in her interei b*téaid 4n effecting, ode quate child twelfarc legisiation 1is Mrs. Savila Millis Simons. chairmjan of the com- mittee on child welfare for the IliosLegt fWomen Voters anýoeof teinvestigatorS for, the, comsmittee on tchiidtwelfare lég- islation. The subject of child wel- fare probiems and legistation is the them<' of the open meeting of the Wilmette League of Wornent Vot- ers next Monda y ait the Wontan's 'Club. Parenit-7'eacher associations of the village are int'ited' to be present. Mrs. H. M. Robinson of Evanston has been spending this week witb ber parents, the B. F. Bilslands of 1228 Elmwood avenue while Mr. Rob- inson is on a bÛsiness trip in the east. I dren for some time. Mwr. Lunmermai said that he and. a partnèr wbom lit referred to only as Jack had dolle Most of the diving for the deep seat motion pictures and told of interest- ing experiences underthe water. Tbc pupils iWe much interested flot.otnlv in Mr. Zitmmerman's talk but in the ex:ihibition of ýdeep- sea life* he brougl't with him. 'He spoke under the aus- pices, of the Sehool Assembly, asso- ciation, for which SuPt., ,., L. Ny-: gaard of Kenilworth is the elernen-. tary school advisor. Barrere Symphony at Orchestra Hall Feb. 5 Othe Barrre Little Symphony, il play, at Orchestrahall. on Thursday evening, February 5, in the chamber mnusic series sponsored by -the Chi- cago. Chamber Music Wociety. The- symphony' will Play works by 'Ra- meau, Haydn, Carpenter,' Griffes, Gluck, Debussy'and Aibeniz. SChristian Science Chu'rches> "Life" was the subject of the les- son-sermon in ail Churches of, Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, Janu ary 18. The golden text was, 'If thou wilt enter into life, lçeep. the comniand- mients" (Matthew 19:17). Aniong the citations which comi- prised the lesson-sermon was the fol- lowing from the Bible: "For they that are after the flesh do mmnd the tbings of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit. For to be carnally mindedis deatb; but to be spiritually ininded is life and peace" (Romans,8:5, 6)., The lesson-sermon also included the following. passages from the Christian Science textboo, ."Science and. Hèalth with Key to the Scrip- tures," by Mary Baker Eddy: "We apprehend Lifé' in divine Science only as we live above corporeal sense and a" #ou~ se.b~ N., C. à ST.