The meeting is to open with coin- -munity singing which will b£ foliow- ed by a lecture and denmonstration of the "«Art. of Sculpture" by Emaory Seidel, well known Chicago scuiptor. During bis talk Georgiana Bettinig- t haus will act as model for bisstudy, -à 'A Cld's(Fà ffead," wbich !he> will mold.before the eyes of bis audience. When the lecture, is- over, a group of niembers of the club will pose as staiues. Tbey will be Mesdames Roy Hackett, -Robert T. Markham, Clif - ton L. Walker, Edwin L. Georger, F. Douglas. Wilson, Robert R. Font- bin, john T. Traôy, Charles R. Nor- man, A.'W. Withrow, Peter J. Mc- ýGurk,.,Prank P.-X Kutten, Thomnas Mintz. Music will take its share of -the. prograin and. Mrs. Clarence Hubbard, Mrs.. Frank McPbelin, Mrs. J. P. O'Connor, .and Mrs. eýorg Q. na w ill act as hostesses. T'he literature charmain of the fine arts departinent, Mrs. Louis Crush. * announces a. conitest of original poems by.. members. Poems are to be submitted .at the January meeting, and the prize. for the best poemn Will be presented- during the meeting in. February. As January 27 is the oc- casion of the semi-annual meeting, departinent chairmen will read their reports. Mrs. Arthur J. Johnson, chairmant of the civics department of the club. gives notice that the second terin of the parlianientary law class wUi openv under 'tie drection of Mrs. Maurice Lieber on January 28. Anyone inter- ested in .studying pariamentary pro- cedure is welcome to join, Mrs. John- son announces. Classes will be held at the home of Mrs". John Boylstor', 1302 Chestnut avenue. Af ternoon of 'SIng la Plan for We>man's Club The meeting of the Woman's club of Wilmette on Wednesday, January 28,~ i to be aqn afternoon of song. gramn, too, was out of the ordinary. It was given on the occasion of the only dinner m~eeting of the season for the Civic Opera club. Her personality -attracted ,her audi- ence to her and bier ability 'as a singer added good music to hier de- piction. The, primarj7 and, secondar.y color chart and'its use in bringing about lighting effects,,the difference in. the use of color to indicate: the passing ofday into .night, al were illustrated from well. known scenes f romn well. known opéras.* A soft, music ac- companiment suggested the beauty of the opera scores and. Miss Fieldý sang two of the well known. arias, one froin the moozilight garden scenies, from Faust, the other from the final scene in "Die Walkuerie.» Not only scenes theinselies, but sketches of two well known. char- acters in operas, Carmen and Me- phistophiles, were depicted by her facile fingers to stand out in colorfu picture. Scenes from Madamn Butter-~ fuily also were sketchèd. ,The audience found the entire pro- gram absorbing. Chicago Woman's Club Conmmittee Plans Dinojer The prohibition law enforcement comiitee of the Chicago Woman's club is giving its midyear dinner on Thursday, January 29, at 6:30 'oclock e.. A. Johnuson, Unitedi States District attorney; Dr. William A. Evans, of the Chicago Tribune; Mrs. William A. Gourley, chairman of the law ob- servance committee of the Illinois Federation of Women' s -cubs; and Alonzo, Stagg of the University of ih.Chicago. Club members, their hushands, and their friends are invited to attend the meeting. Mrs.' Catherine W - hMcCulloch P6îds. -plad-prntdcrepes foue Prints for formai Wear --enormous frailing flower dein.or big ones, wideiy- spcd- in exotic n.w col- oringis. $1 .95 yard. for street Wear -as w.11 as for aft.mnoon-êiny. scal$.red prints and. modern formai, d.signi. $1.95 -yard. hostess pajlamas --an enfreiy n.w sef Of designs in Nivid coIofs. for th. fashiopabi. .hostes, phtomas. $1.95 yard. C.enral avenue. J.'uucusou s parens in ;OIUMbUs, House guests at the Orja G. Corns'0 homne, 1121 Chestnut avenue, are idn. Vr. and Mrs. George N. Murdock, Cors" aretsMr. and :Mrs. Dan 211I1 BWirchwood avenue, have been Cresap of Bonaparte,. Iowa, speudi . several weeks nFoia We Foiel" STYLE P.ffrms. Firs Floor ýal, 1-