iun Deadmne for' fgggrtio.gg Claasifed advertlsmeus*111 hb. accePted up tO-We8dneaday 9. oolock for the Wu.u9Mu LivU or al three papera;,.Thuraday 9 e'cloàk for the. WDU;Mew rALC and flday à o'clock for th e G mc.NUWS. Telephioues: WiimettU 4300, Wlniietka 2000, -Wlnetka 500 or Gleucce14, Greenleaf. 4800 orlibeldrake 5687,. 8 LOOT AND F*uN», FOUND IN WILMETT-PAIR 0FP' Whiteý gold rlmmeÉd glasses. Owner' may have same by paylog for this ad. 1282. Central Ave., Wllmette. ~T)PM2L.1 hi a BUILDINU AND CONTRACTINO Remodeling-Repairin .11VE YOUR RLMODELING AND RIB- Pha> work doue whule prices are, 10w. Planing, EstUmating Free. FinancIng --Satlsfactory Reference. Ph. Green- lea BUSINESS uumvîcg t WHITmDWASHING Whltewaabling by machine. Ph. Glencoe Ail Kinda of Carpenter Work D:on. JOHN BOBSCH Ph. Wilmette 2165 15 INSTRUCTION OXFORD PIANO COURSE FOR~ Clas and ludlviual Instruction. Qi'ace MeConnaghey, B. Music, N. W. U.niv. 1506 Lakoe Ave. Ph. Wilmette 1828 15LTN38-2te taught lu French and American echoola wishes more pupils te cern- plete her classes. Ph. Wllmette 2914. 15LTN38-ltp JUIlE É. ENOCI1, EXP. TEACIIER of the. mentally retarded chld. Ref. Briargate 18t22. 7011 Ridge, Chicago, 15LTN37-2tp n0oSSG MRS. ACGNES STOBERG( I0REPAIRINO AND REFiIiHINQ IF YOU NEED A CÀRPENTER, telephone Carl Bengstoin 1l'e. de ail Iinds of' carPenter work andàre- paIrlng. Wnn. 2480. 301;TNS6-tfç 35 : 51451NE55OPPORTUNITIES Opportunity of, the Lower Rio Grande Valley, of Texas 10 ACRP-4 YEAR OLD ORANGE AND grapefruit Grove. on main concrete highway ln heart o f Valley at.. c4ge of town, and $urrôuntded by fine groves and homes. Not a ]and colnpany. Special projppsition for right type broker or representative. Special rates to Val- ley and return. OTIJER SPECIAL GROVES A-122, Box 40, Wilmette 35LTN38-ltp aie .LOANS LOANS TO PROPERTY OWNERS. Make and buy Ist and 2nd mortgages. EVANSTON BOND &. MTG. CO. 618 Grove-St. Greenleaf 5600 38LTN36-tfe .41 SITUATION WANTED--FENALE. A YOUTNG MOTHelR WII!R 4 CHIL- dr'en te su~pport le sellng very mod- ern hemstitched tablecloths, pastel shades, flannel back, stain proof. Save' laundry bis. Ideal for klddles break- fast and luncheon table. 'Varlous sizes, reasonably prlced. Appreciate order. Cali University 2250. 41LTN38-lne WANTED-LAUNDRY WORK BY EX- perienced laundress te do at homie. Ail clothes dried outside. W-111 eau and delîver. Ph. Willmette 262à. 41LTN38-2110 DAYS WANTED - LAUNDRy OR cleanlng, Monday, WednesdIay or ?hUrsday. Auna Brewster. TCeniwnrn E)rPERIENCED CRJILDREN'S NURSE II r1l~be wlla8ls.Best NorthShr Il efeenes. Ph. Greenleaf 3889.» IRA.XJ' AE 41LTN38Ltc and iconv. people in. her pleasant hoôme, 'If -41LTN38"ltc COOK - HOUSEKEEPER, A-1,, COL., thoroughly-exp. Good ref. Ph.,.Xen- wood 6856. 41L38-ltp WOMAN FOR GENERAL HOUSE-, Work, cooklng. N.' S. ref. Ph. Wj- mette 801, 143N8-n WANTED-WASHING OR CLEANINrx by, the day. Exp. Ph. Wll1mette 1890. exp. GERMAN GIRL, GENIZRAL housework, good cook, best ref. Ph. Glencoè 95V. 41LTN38,ltp EXCELLENT WHITE COOK, HIGH- est 1efel'ence, '*ÔuIllike poltion. CajlWinnetk 941 4LTN38-Itp 43SITUATION WANTED-MALE EXPERIENCED PAINTER WOULD welcome any kind of worl-he eaun calsomine, dlean walls, wax floors and paint anything. For furt-her informa- tien phone Greenleaf <Evanston) 3691. 42LTN36-4tp CHAUFFEUR, GARDENER, HOUSE- mnan. White. Married. Exp. Ref. Permanent. Can take trips. Win- netka 2359. 42LTN38-1ne MAN WANTS HOtJSEWORK, WIN- dow washlng, painting andl any odd Jobs. N. S. ref. Ph, Wilnette 2073. 42LTN38-ltp RELIABLE WHITE MAN WANTS housework, painting and odd Jobs <2f any kind. References. Ph. Wllmette 13254. 42LTN38-lnc HOUSE WORK, WINDOW WASHING and odd Jobs of ail kinds by experi- enced and rellable man. Ph. Wil- mette 2345. 42LTN38-lnc WANTED W N D OW WASHING, cleanlng, housework, butier worki, serving aise chauffeur. North Shore reference. Ph. Wlnnétka. 779. 42L38-ltp 43 517. ima'. .À.a w '116 - - - 45 HDý-"SENP FORTED-MALE WanTED-SrouesMiiENFORBUanTER aintk ndd roUes. ile tet vanstn Wbaeta. ald Qencotrltory-. Ms 46LTN38-ite 4s HELP wTrD.-MALE AND FIMNALE, HE11P WANTED - EXPERJENCËD -GtlNERAL HOUSEWORK GIRLS:- MUST HAVE GOOD) REFERENCES.;, e15-$20, week. NTIRSEMAIDS-$15.$25 week. COOKS-$?-$25 week.* .-; COUPLES.-150-$165 a month. Open SUN»AYS 2-5 P. in. PAULINES EMP. AGENCY 748 ELM E9T., WINNETKA 4 POSITIONS OPEN.FOR 1ST CLASSç COUPLES. PAULINE'S EMP. AGENCy- 74$ ELM ST. PH. WINNETIÇA,2002 48 FOR BALE-AUTros BIG 8 PACKARD 1929 DELUXE, special Diedrich body, 1930 smaii S ,Packard limoUsIne. Ph. Wilmette 10g(). 48LTN38-lt<. si FOR RENT-ROONS LARGE, LIGHT, WELL FUEN. IROOM with' or wlthout board near transe. Garage. Ph. Winnetka 1543. 51LTN38-ltc 3ROOMS FOR >LIGHT HOUSEKEEP- ing, or rooms and board. Also garage space. Phone Wiietka 2359. 51LTN38-ltp 1 LARGE FOR 2; 1 SMALLER FOR 1. Gentlemen only. Private bath. Irlv- ate family ln Winn, Wlnnetka 1786. .2 LIGHT 1{OUSEKEEPING ROOMS, niceiy furn. Must be seen to be appre- cla.ted. A ise garage. 1023 Main St. Ph. Wlrnette 3007. 51LTN3f -1tic 1 OR 2 ROOMS,.ALL CONVENTENCES. Near -New Trier. 1 block Indian HIil station., Tel. Winietka. 769. S1LTN3S-tfc SINGLE FRONT ROOM. ý ENTLE- man pref. Winuetka 2669. :y. ý Vabw:e4300 or Wiaetka 2000: IMAID. HT,$0PI -J LU- 17CIUnttve wiI1 8show you by ap- JuanIta. pointmUenL liM Gul3re& ()jr ', STAY 1505 Chicago Ave. Greenleai 1080 e North. .56LTN38-Itc iT38-ltp 3RM. APT. plD MO.;6 UItWz. 825MO.;' NoE NO . g. fron i=.,. furu. for ilght h kp. 1 10 MO* 7168Rldge Ave. Ph. WiMMette loi ýjm ýl