Mrs. J. Robert McClure and Mrs. Conrad Frykman Are in Charge of Reservations Tickets will goé on sale. Wednesday,. February 4 for "Why Men Leave Home," whicli will be presented by the Woman's club- of- Wilmette on the evenings of Mardi 5, 6 and 7, for the benefit of tlie building fund of the, club. A new plan is ta be tried to avoid:crowding and the nieces- sity of arriving very early to obtain good seats. At this.performance al seats will be good, for the auditorium is not to be. filled to. capacity and only the best locations.will be used., The advantages- of reservations wil be that one may be sure, of a place without having to hurry to secure it by comning very early., The doors of the club bouse will not be ope-à untilý7 7:30 'clock and the curtaii is. ta rise at 8:-15. Mrs. J. Robert, McClure is' in charge. of the sale of the tickets. She fis being assisted by Mrs. Conrad Frykman. Many critics cons ider "Why NI-'l Leave Home" as Avery, Hopwood's best play, since lie, hs hit upon a vital, and, universal topic and at theý saine time b as evolved a story. of beauty and many laughs. The action deals witli a houseparty where 'the wives of three men and the soon-to- be fiancee of a fourth are gatliered .after returning from a gay European f Whirl. Their liomecoming is most startling and after mucli working at cross purposes, the couples are re - united with a few well merited lessonsi in domesticity. No stellar roles are featured, as the major characters play parts of equal length and importance. Mrs. Bernard Brown, w1io was Bara Clo* in last year's burlesque of Hollywood, bas the role of Fifi, the frivolous .wi f e of Tom Morgani who is glad, sa long as slie likes to be extravagant, that tliey have muchi. money to waste. Mrs. Brown has. worked for the Play Sbop forsortie time, and was in the Drama. league play- at tlie Goodman theatre. She was also in "C Sharp" and recent!y ini "Crusading Carrie." Mrs. Brown is general chairman of the produc- tion. *Miss Marion Ortseifen plays 'the To Address Service Club Captain C. W. R. Kniglit will give a.u address on the. subj.ect of "'Tlie tràming of the Golden Eagle," at the ext meting of the Protestant Wo- imat's Seurvice club Wednesday noon. February 4, at Marshalieda. Mr. ernar d Broit.n, oi theright, will cnact 'the ro.e 'Of. Pif i and MissAl'ioit Ortseifcni, onp the. le/t,. is ta Play the. part of "Why Men Leanv' Hoiie.,' the comedyý that is to be, presented Woýman's clb of Wilrne te on thé evenings of March ,5, '6 and 7 benefit of the building fuind of the club, Sewiag Meeting WilU I3ene fit Charity -Home Today will be an aIl day sewing1 meeting at the Woman's club for the benefit of St. Mary's home, a chari- t able organization' supported ,by the Episcopal churcli. The. meeting wil lie held under tlie auspices' of the Philantliropy - department- of the Woman's club. A committee of club members. who are members of St. Augustinie's Epis- coôpal cliurch in inlette, are inî charge of tlie eutting and planning of the work for the day, and the club. ot the Rotary wi luncheon and busii ing on Wednesda Club Vista del La the day will be M~ Mrs. John E. S'w W.. Seanor,, and Steiner. 4 at s for erton, Clyde rW. WilI Hold Old F ing;. To Hear Fair by the, for thfeý Mothezs to Hear, Talk 1 1 1by Dr. B. Hawkin Mrs.. Frank Dowd of 1405 Forest avenue, Winmette, will entertain mie-- bers of the Young Mothers' club ai lier liome Monday evening at 8 b'clock. Mrs. George Green an'd Mrsî Earl Uhl. will be assisting hostesses. After, the devotional exercises tc be led by. Mrs. R. M. Campbell the meeting will be turned over to Dr. Býeatrice Hawkîns, wlio will give à comnprehensive talk, on the miedical side, on the care of thie clild fror birtjI tlirougli the earlier school years. Dr. Hawkins is well able to give a particularly beneficial talk; on this subject as she is not only à physician but amnotlier as well, and can under- stand a~ motlier's side. Wlii De will be Carolyn oci at the Womans club of e. Mrs. . Mariolle Sherman liostess, while assisting bier Miss, Amy, Rose and Mrs. Harnsberger. on '3 3 The Kenilworth Neighbors will ho'l their ol eveniflg meeting of. the year on Tu.esday, Feb ruary 3 at' the Kenilworth club. It will be ini the forin. of. an olci fashioned town meet- ing.ý There will be address by Allen D. Albert, assistant to Rufus- Dawes, president of the- Chicago World's Fair cornmittee. Mr. Albert's subject is to be "Our own community: What we.mean to ourselves and mai;y-nean to the city and lier problems." Guests of honor will be the bus- bands of ail themembers, the presi- dent and 'officers of the, village. and Improvement association, the. Park board, School board, Kenilworth club, and Garden clubs. After Mr. Alberts talk a forma ' discussion. and ques- tionnaire will çnsue. Mr. Albert, a prominenit newspaper man, was special wvar corres pondent* for'the New York "Timies" and a Washington fl. C. paper. -He is. also hmusic and, drarnatic critic on the "Timies."' He lias made an. important study of the governm ent of cities, and lias, traveled eittensively in Can- ada, Cuba, and MeXico in connection witli this study. The Artand Literature departnient of the Neighbors Nvill hold its 'te--çt meeting Tuegday,,rnorning, February 10 at 10:15 o'clock, at the home of Mrs. Bently G. McCloud, 338 Keni!- wort'h avenue. "Why we go miodern" will be the subjeçt of a talk l'y Har- rison Becker. Church Gioup Giving Musical This Evening A concert under the, auspices of the Woman's society'of the Presb- terian'churcli will be.given tliis evc- ning, January 30, at the Womatis club of Winmette. Soloists cluring the evening will Ie Berenice Viole, tai- ented Chicago -piaànist, and EdWard Otis, 'baritone at the First Presbyter- ian cliurch, Wiimette. .Miss Viole bas given many, success- Dy one revieWer to that of "A young Middleton." For tlie past few years he lias studied with Miss Rounds,' Well known Clicago mtusician, 1organiit, voc al teacher,,as welI as, .accompan- ist.