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Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Jan 1931, p. 54

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Putirua trate be naa upan- requeut. IDedm efor Inserio»sc,",,1,e dertisemgnts wil be fortheWILawru iraor Ilthree. papers; Thursday 9 o'eiooI4 for. the WiNN;mTK TALK and Friday 5 'clock for the GLimOoli Nuwa. Telephones: 'Wllmette 4300, Wlnnetka 2000 Winnetka 500 or Glencoe 1484. Greenleaf 4800 or Shlirake 5687. à LOST AND FQUND LOÉT - 'THURS., JAN. 22ND. MALE oùlite pupby$ 4 mio. 'old, brown and *white, no collar. Reward. Ph. Win- netka 3008. 2LTN39-lte LOBT--CAMEO 'BROOCH. REWARD. Ph. Wilmette 1532. 9LTN39-ltc D UILOINO AND 'CONTrRACTINO Remiodeling-Repairing> UAVU TOUR REIRODERLING AND iE Patr work done while prices are 10w. PUDsMit. tattig FPr. Ytnanllng. -6atisfactory Reference. Ph. Green- bat 2632. 8LTN37-4tp * BUSINESS SERVIC* AUl KInds of Carpenter Work on JOHN BOBSCH Il ORESSMAIN( MS KINGSROD'S DRESSMARING, Vogue style, $4 per day clear, gowns, do ail kinds remodeiing, mend under- wear, make curtains. Ph. Greenleaf 4458. 11LTN394ltp COMPETEDRESSMAI<ING SERV- tee, aima reznodeling and alterations at the Corinne Siioppe, 809 Oak St., Winiietka, 11L39-ltp lU IN9TRUCTION OXFORD PIANO COURSE FOR Clame anidIndividual Instructioni. Grace McConinaghey, B. Music, N. W. Univ. 16,00 Lake Aýve. Ph. Wilmette 1823 16,LTN38-2tc rtRENCH NATIVE TEACHER, IN A large sehool ln Chicago, . opening classes aiông the north shore; aima private Instruction. For appointment pleae call Winnetka 217 Saturdaýy. 30 nrEPIRINà .AND REFINISHINO ANTIQUES AND OTHER FURNI- ture repaired and refflnshed. Expert work., Reais. prices. Fell!'s. 928 Chi- cago Ave., Ph. :Universlty 01%3. 30LTN39-4tp 34' CLUb MEMSPERaHil COUNTRY C L U B~ MEMÊEÉsHIP which, fias 1NO ASS§ESSMENTS-NO INDEBTEDINESS.. and amati dues whlch Include the entlre famuily. Ail outdoor sports summer ýand wlnter including golf, fIshinig and huntlng. A-129 Box, 40~, Wlhniette.' 34LTN39-lte as - LOANS LOANS TO PROPERTY OWNERS. Make and buy last and 2nd mortgages. 19VANSTON BOND & MTG. Co. 618 Grave St, Greenleaf 5600. 3SLTN36-tfc 41 SITUA TION WANTED-FEMAI.g EFFICIENT HELP A better elnPloyment ser'vice for the North Shore homes. References personally .investigated. NO CH4ARGE TO EMPLOYERS Telephones Wlnnetka 2662 Highland Park 2520 PAULINE'S EMP. AGENCY 748 Elm St. 8 North Firet Winnetka Highland Park 41LTN39-ltc WANTED-L.AUN-DRY WORK BY EX- Perienced laundress to do at home. Ail clothes dried outside. Will cail and deliver.. Wllmette. 2623. 41LTN3&2ne HOUSEKEEPER, 42,'VERY ÉF1PiCI- ent, rellable, excellent references. Plain cook unlncumbered prefer good refined aduit home. Ph. Wilmette 4944. . 41LTN39-lne GEIRMAN GIRL, 29 YRS. OLD WANTS general housework. 4 yrs. with present emqployer. Pauline's Agency. Ph. Win- netka 2662. 41LTN39-ltc EXPERIENCED AS SALES CLERIC, file clerk, typlet and swtchboard operator. Ph. WllImette 2157. 41LTN39-ine CdOOKINGe OR SERVIN G LUNCH- eons,. dinners, and parties by the -hour.or day. Exper. waltres. Wln- netka, 1920. 41LTN39-ltp WANTIUD PART, TIME, OR D)A-Y work and mire of chlldren evenings. Loulise Dlerks, Ph. Wilmette 4162. 41LTNà9-Inc SITr. WTD.--GENERAI,, IOUSEWORK; fond of children,' no laundry., Joseph- hie Thomnas. Ph. Lakeview 2884. after. *p. Mi. 41L.TN39--ic SIT. "TD. LTGHT, COL. MAID, cook, ýwill stay or go ýhome nights. N. S. ret. Cati North Chfcg 3882. 41L N39-ltp SECOND WORKC WANTED BY FPIRST clase maid, 3 yr. local ref. Pauline's Agency. Ph. Winnetka, 2662. 4lL"N39-lte GERMAN GIRL, 32 YRS. OL» WANTS chamber maid work. 2, yrs. with present employer. Pauline's Agency. Wlnnetka 2662. 41L¶iN394tc EXPER. COLORED MAIDS, SISTERS, wish positionsi as cook and second maid in private faille. Phone Engle- wood 2354. 4ULTN39-ltp SWEDISH GIRL, 22 YRS. OLD WANTS general housework. H. W. excellent North Shore ref. Pauline's Agency. Ph. Winnetka-2"2- 41LTN39-ltç FINNISI- GIRL, 21 YRS. OLD WANTS general housework. 15, mo. Winnetka ref. Pauline's .Agency. Ph. Wlnnetica 2662. .41LTN3-Ite, EXPERIENCE.D COLORED WOMAN., fastworker. Day Work for Thursdays. Ph. _ ree6nleaf 1595. 41L39..Itp EXPERIENCED COOK W A N T S position. A-i reference. Ph. Wil-ý mette 4655. 41L39-ltc PRACTICAL NURSE, 32 YrIS. OLD. Best of local ref. Pauline's .Agency. Ph. Winnetka 2662.. , 41LTN39-1te 1ST CLASS LAUNDRESS WANTS Tues., Thurs. and Fr!. Ref. Ph. Wtt .-' mette 4230. 41LTN39-lnc WOULD LIRE WASIHINGS TO TAXE home. ]Best ref. Ph. Greenleaf 1774. i rrmne t untaK tr ips. W in- netka 2359. 42LTN39-lnc EXPERIENCED GERMAN CHAUF- feur and houseman. N. S. ref. Win- netka 292. 4ýLTN39-1ne CHAU"F. - WHITE - COMPETnNT, reliable., Exp. ail cars,: own ufliformh. Ph. University 8111. 42LtN39-îtp 43 OIT. WTrD-MALE S FEMALE FREE 'SERVICE TO EMPLOYERS. EVERYTHING IN HIGH GRADE HELP. References POSITIVELY in- vestlgated. ASK Y01LU NEIGHBORS1. LEE EMPLOYM19NT AGENCY 1631. Benson, Evaniston Ph. Davis 8116- UNDER STATE SUPERVISION 43LTrN39-1-l COUPLE-GEýiRMÂN--4YRS..REF. COUPle--Swedish--.-Ciood local ref. PAULINE'S AGENCY .748 Elrn St. Ph.. Wlnnetka 2662 4LTN39-te ALL EMPLOYMENTÊ SERVICE. 663 Vernon Ave.. Glencoe, 261 We can particularly recemmend several excepbtional capable couples, Finnish, 44, HELP WANTED-FEMALE ALL EMPLOYMENT SERVICE 663 Vernon Ave.. Glencoe 251 We always have positions. available -for well referenced, 'capable, White gen- eral help. $16 and $;18. 44L394tî) WANTED - WHITE WOMAN FOR genieral housework. Go home niglhtsi.: Cali niornings between 10 and, 12.' Phone Winnetka 3418.- 44LTN39.-lte EXP. WHITE GIRL WITH REF., FOit gen. houss;work and-laundry. $10-$12. Ow-Nn room and bath. Caîl Wlnnetka 2709. . 44LTN319-1tp GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK, assist with children. Winnetka 1796. 4 4LTN39-ltc WANrED.- EXPERIENCED WHITE girl for general housework. Ph. Wtt- mette 4358. 44LTN39-lte 45 HELP WANTE-MALE SALES MANAGER, LIVING ON north 'shore, for Our Wlnnetka fac-. tory branch office. Straight commis- Sion. Car .necessgary. Territory ti- cludes ail of north shore. Telephone1 and house-to-house canvass neces- sary. tô earn frorn $50 to $100 week-. ,y. For appt. w.rite Chicago, Rad.iator 'go-u. 142LN39-1nc il This Office wiIl accept -clausifed advertising to be tufl GENERL HOU~ EVCYR inTE VNSo R-iErec ing1,00f work,. hufuig 50 cents an hotur, EVASTO RBIE, tacbng6,00 fmiA-1 N. S. ref. Phone Winneta 3194. lits i vanatoin. REVIEW COpy Must b.i by 5 p. m. wni 42LTN39..ltp, -.on T.esday. RMAN WANTSIIC TeIe bne~Wil eue 300.r '00<)houewor ~ intrg and odd Jobs::f Winekaany kind.. Refçrencog.*Ph. Wlhlnette rge flrc;11i heat; hot wster cov-bulnsssection and : PhL Wlmette 204. 5L39-ltc I *Poisn. $6 we0k. à, Moche r.959 Eider lané, Wlnetk 51LTIQ9-ltg . - iý IP

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