CONVENIENTLY LOCATEID RO 1 OR 2 ROOMS,' ALL CONVENIENCES. Near New Trier. 1 block Indian Hill station. Tel. Winnetka 760. FoRP RENT - WELL FURNISHED front room sÉuitable. for one or. two. *Garage if deslred. Ph. 'Wilmette. 3804. 51L39-tfe- LARGE, LIGHT, WELL FURN. ROOM wîlth or without board near transp. G;arage. Ph. Wlnnetka 1543. 51LTN39-ltc ROOM WITH .PRIVATE BATH-. EX- clusivê nelghborheod , near tranispor-' tation. Winnetka 2144 . SiLTýN39-Itc FURNISHED) ROOM FOR RENT, convenient te transportation., Cali Wilmette 2764. .SLN9lP FURNISHEi) SLEEPING ROOM FOR rent, aise garage If deslred. Ph,. Wil- mette 486.9. M1TN39.-ltc. LARGE SOUTH ROOM, ALSO FRONT ro om for 1 or î aduifts. 731 l'Oth St., wiimettee,>5 1LT36-tfc 1184. 51LTN39-ltc 56- FOR RENT-APARTrMENTS$ WHY NOT LIVE IN HUBBARD WOODS. The most desirable place near Chi- cago. An early seiection cf apart-' nie nts advisable. 3, 4, and ;- rooins and, baths. LINDEN MANOR .htîis practlcaiiy a new building at 1095-97 Merrill street. Strictiy up- to-date in every respect. Reasonable renit. Exclusive tenants. Representa- t ive on liremiises seven days a week. W. H. CLARIS 1.0S Linden Ave., Hubbard Wobds Winnetka .3380 11OUSES, AND APARI2MENTS FTR- ffished.and unfurnished. * fepresentative will show Srou by ap- pointment. ~ii~ir~ ~0.i 155Chica1go Ave., Gr FOR RENT-IIOUSES 4 rms.,, htd., 1 .c. g. ý45 6rnis., td., elée. refrig. $65 6 rms. new," 1 c. g. $85 6 rms., "Xiew," 1 c. g., 2 baths $100 7 rms... 2 baths~ 2 c. g. $140 7 ns. ne, eiec. refrig., 2 c. g. $140ý 7 rms., 3 baths, 2 c. g. $150 10 rrnis., 3 bathe, 2 c. g. $175 10 rnis., 2 baths, 2 c. g. $200 Other reasonable entais furnishied ýuîd unftirnishe.d, aise nmodern ipts. B3. Il. .IIARNETTI'j 526 Center St. Pli, Winnetka 965 60LTN39-ltc WIDOW ANXIOUS TO SL'BLEASE very attractive Englisl: home with spàacious living, dining anmd stintroonis. Nice kitchien, . naid's room and bath .,on lst fi. 3 bedrnîs. and tule bathe on 2nd. H. W. oit heat. att. garage, deep lot, choîcè location. $225 le e BJLL' R.4ALTY,, INC" PH-. WILMETTE 374Ô Q0L39-ltc FURýNiSHED -OR 'U NFURNISHED* rentais fer short or long terms. Aise nany attractive buys. FRANCES J. WINSCOTT 902 Spruce St. Ph. Winnetka 1267 60LTN39-ltc 62 WANTED TO RENT-HOUSES WANTED TO RENT 6 ROOM FUR- nished or unfurnisbed bouse, wlth a porch, ln Winnetka. Family of two. Johin Rosen, 2828 Pine Grove Ave., Ph. Bucknghami 1700. 62LT2-ltc SMALL 5 OR 6 ROOM HOUSE, MOD- ern', with garage. Prefer Glencoe. Né brokers. A-140, Box 40, Wilmette. 62LTN39-ltc 614 FOR RENT-GARAGES GARAGE FOR RENT, $6 1012 Linden Ave. Ph. Wllmette 4339' 64L39-Itc 66 FOR, REli-STORES OFFICES Glencoe State Bantk I N SUITES 0F 1-2 OR 3 ROOMS suitable for boctor, Dentiat, Archi- tect er any business requlrlng ofilic space. Low rentai. 66LT36-tfc 72 FOR SALER-HOUISE WILMETTE 8 ROOM HOUSE 8$10,500 Can be bought with very smdal cashi. paynient, balance $50 and intorest per lst fleor, liv. nm., dlxi. rm., den,.,suni parlor. kitchen. lav. band iet. : . Real Estate, Wanted 7 OR 8 ROM 11011E WITH 100 PT. frontage- li Wilmette or Evanston. Not over $20,000. Have Cash. A-133, Box 40, Wilmette. 7L3-lte 74 FOR ISAL9-VACANT FOR SALPI-LOT 109% BY 229 IN indian II l Etate lat $76 per foot. Ph. Wllmette 1698. 74LTN39-îte le FOR SL-EEEYLT 4 LOTS IN MEMORIAL ',PARK CEME- tery for, sale. phone Winnetka 890, ask for Joseph 1Massln. 78LTN39-ltp 64 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR TRADM-NIEW BRIC K 7 rms., 3 baths, club room ln base- ment, att. gar., strictly Modern. Prie $25,000. Easy terms. Owner willl trade for Well located vacant or. amal ouse. B. H. BARNETT' 526 Center St. Ph.Wirnneka ,D65 84L'rN39-ltc 85 EXÇNANGE.-RRAL ESTATE, EXCHANGE OR RENT - 8 RiOOM, bouse, newly dec. Inut. H. W. beater, runnlng water ln 3 rms., laiv. on lut f.; bath on 2nd; glazed htd. Sun pcb.; lge. open pcb.; 2 car gar. 2 blks. to scbools and N. W. Sta. WiII take srmalier bouse on N. .S. as part Payment, bal. like rent. 1021 Cen- tral Ave. Ph. Willrette 2791 or see Your broker. 85LTN39-ltc Real Estate to Exchange 6 ROOM RESIDENCEi IN OAK~ PARKC for an .8 reom residence on the North, Shxore up to $35,000. Can add cash. Would. like large lot. A-134, Box 40, *Wllmette. 85LTN39-ltc se, FoRt UALE-HSIMLp. O- FOR SALEL.-HOUSEHOD PUENT- turc, 'reas. Caîl Glencoe 978. 8$LTN39-ltp 87 WANTED TrO BUY-HSeHI.. 000 WANTED TO BUJY--SECOND HAND furniture and other bousehold goode., Hlgbest prices for sanie. Croat Furni- ture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St., Evan-i gton,, 111. Ph. Uni. 0189i 13ATPL RC.WiliettO. 62LTN3 9-ltc BEAJTIUL RIC HOME, 6 BED- rom,3bath$, extra lavatory, break-. WANTED TO RENT-7, 8 OR 9 ROOM fast nooki 2 etr attabhed garage. Ou bhouse, 2 or more--batbs, Wlnnetka or ha.$300 per month. cail Wlnna Glencoe.N rkr.A19 o 0 119, LOTN9-te Wilmette. 62LTN39-ltc wuuudu al.. Glencoe, near laKe. .or cent gtuçst of Mrs. R. W. W ies litie moe than 'ground value. Win- hctyMsJaeam bs netka. 1194. '2TN39-1tc that t. Ms aeas ýUNNING CAPE COD COLONIAL-ON to Johnstowii, Pa,, to attend asi 100 ft. wooded lot enclosed wlth ploket of honor -in the wedding of fence. 6 uunny rmu., open peh.,. eated Roberta Robrs oMr sunü rm. 2,blks. to sébools and transi1oet 'ôM.W PrIce $31.M0. Wl1nnetkaý 3450. ' Adàir which took Place last weei 72âtTN89-1tpl on January '24. Buyer and Seller have found teWa nt-Ads of WILME1TE LIFE of inestmable value. Many, a deal involving, hundreds of dollars, has been the. resuit of a>Casiid dwhc cs but a few cents. Classffied d i eacp ed every evening. until 9. Phone Wulmette 4300. Wedn.sdày'before 9 P.. M. for the. Current 1mse .1.