MONDAY AND TUESDAY, 40C Squmb Tooth Paste, . ort~'Tsue Toilet Papr lz Rolia........... .............. $ i Forismtak pe" both.$ i D~ Wit.Note Paper for.. .......... ,:n e , w $b1-- c » $12%1 Hot:Wsàter B" e........................ $ i 7k, Agm Ses ri la udea Cs i 75eAgite Sor Ski.To.i $151Double, Loos. Powder tjc 3".o............... ......85 1 se Par Shauivmg Cremm i ne Par Shavimq Ladi ...................$ -- 25c Par Talcu PowdS)J Dry Gù4g« Alep 1 Do»nPinte.......... .............$ And Many- Other Spediala RIDGE AVE. PfHARMACY, C. C. RNNECKAR OPPOSITE ST. JQSEPH'S CHURCH PH. WILMETTE 316 Photo by Mathew Francis Airs. Tho mas Mintz, at thse left, and Conrad Prykman, t tse right, are members of, thé cast for "Why Men, Leave Home," the play to be givýen at thse Wilmette's club tihe eveenings of Marc/s.5, 6, aînd 7, to jutelI the club's buiilding fund. Legion A uxiliary S P. J. Huete Post At the bi-monthly meeting a visit was made last week T1uesday to the Peter J. Huerter Unit No. 8 at Great Lakes by 'Mrs. Helen Fischer and Don't forget the Plunkett luntih eon to be given by the Auxiliary on Tuesday, February 24 at 1. o'cloki at St. Joseph's hall. It %vill 6e a meal ,inner Qprvd- unz hot-,., a~nd there will be plenty to eat. 'Tickets may be purchased f rom members. Àmeeting of the Auxiliary will be held on Monday evening- February 9, at the home of the oldest, member, Mrs. M~ary Lourscb, 2321 Glenview road. February being Americaniza-' tion month dedication of colors will take place. This is the time to. get together. Corne one, come ail andi bring prospective miembers. Mrs. Isaac Brelsoid of Toronto, Canada, who bas been a guest at the Edwin G. Hunter home, 801 Pif teenth street, for about fÉve weeks, beturned recet l? fn 1er Ihome. AvoUi Uiat c.... Act now for. IDOLLAK DAYS Honday anmd IMARTIN JACOSSON D)OHINIC PAGLIA&RULO- Jeweler ctndOjtician U*~ C.ntoesl Avemue Tel. WIlmmette s 1166 WUmette Ave. Phone Wilmette 1061 'il Tuesday. 90=0 0=0 1166. W ildiette.,&,ve. 1061' TOIL wilmette,3.