torium, on Frîiay evening, january 30, 'and for this Saturday (tonight) in the Jané Kuppenheimer. Mernorial hlli of Skokie school in Winnetka. Th ircuit theatre is absolutely professional in this play, and> the extraordinarily splendid acting makes it an outstanding- success. Under the excellent direction of J.-Bradtey-Grif- fn, who. is director of the Uptown Players in Chicago, the cast has puled the play into great shap>e and inade:of it ;a drama regarded as a cross. section. of actual life, and' not1 as a draina presented by ania- teurs. Perhaps actors:love best the rote of a hardboiled crook-or that other glaniorous character,- a hardboiled news paper ni an. 'They are, reat he- 1men rotes, and actors usually cast off .every shred of shyness or uneasinçess in themn. Certainly the eighteen men in "The Racket" do not carrv about with them the actor's unctuous aura but are, instead, real men living vi- cariouslv the dangerous and adven- turous lives of Policemen, gangs ters and newspaper reporters. In a play such as "The Racket." action and speech move with light- niing swiftness and suddenness, and an actor has to know bis speech in-. stinctivety, or he witl find himself inired helplesstv ini inarticulate emo- tion. Not once last Tuesday evening, when this play was reviewed at the WVoman's club of Wilriiette, did the actors stammer for w ords, and not once was, the action slowed up for any reason. A tribute to the talent of actors and alert direction. * WeII-Rounded Caat It is. almost impossible to single out actors for hopore, so well-rouinded was the cast. One: woman, Miss. Joi Sim , was in the, cast, and -she gave a truthful portrait of the attractive but' hard woman who knows oùly gang- sters. As Irene Hayes, she shows ironic cynicism and bitter courage. giving bier, part. the importance' it needed. Prat. for MAU AtI other parts were equally welB acted, and equally important to the success of the production. The rest' of the cast- was composed of Ralph W. Varney as, Sergeant Sultivan, GCilbert Ba rton,' a patrolman; Leon- ard C. Larrabee, Lieut. Gi; John u.uun ~s~wrb j iucsw îtvr- l:bruery. March end April are thein onths wlien ouar iowest rates are in; ell, Joe; James S. Ford, Jr., Sergeant Schmidt; Guernsey LePelley, Patrol- effecl-We Wil lie glad of an opportunify to show you whet we hàveý man Clark; Royal A. Gunnison, Sam jt f offer, and to quoi. rates for the wtoIe, or any part of that period.. M ey er; D r. Fran k N4. W o o d s, A Id . Jee h n O g e c 00 - a a e ' f c . Kublacek, and Pelix Wangetnan.TeeheLO beh 00-nae'Ofi.' .Glick. -__ _ __ __-__ __-_ ___-_ __ __-_ ___-_ __ __-_ HowtO Transac HOUSEHOLD BUSINESS'.ý 1W HE N a goocl part of the day is spent in the kitcken, its Wise ta have an extension telephone at kand. houehod usiness Iy .telephone -easier stiii when an extension teiepkone is right in.your kitchen. You ca'nIsiepkone friends and1 stili Iceep an eye on your aven IfThe, cost is smail, Cal aur Business Office.ý 4, il *.1