l"to n muet roacai the eior by Weanesamy noon lmoûr. £pflaneln current Issue. Rmsolutionu ot coandolence, carde of thanks, obitu- e»e notices of entertaiments or other affaire Iao an admittance charge là pub1lshed, wilI be eberge4 at regular advertl.ing rates. Grade Separatgin will save hf e Let'a hiavdeimmediate -action! Wild.thingsi anid animais,1 growtb m nigbt1 Plans for Pro gress one who bas including certain flowers, trees, grow af ter, a f ashion. Their l)e called natural, inasmuch as their-onlycaretaker is Môtb-. erý Nature. In tropical coun- tries the growrth of wild things is most surprising to known ýonlv the manner -of growth in teiplerate cliinates. Their increase in- size and numnber, if unchccked, soon re- suts in imperietrable jungles. But wild tbings do not grow bSetter. Their quaiity does flot inprove. WiId flowers spread with amazing rapidity, but they do not im-. prove in formi or col'r. Man must take the wild flower, experiment witb it, and by croÉss breeding and artificial selection, produc e 'a .more desirabie bloom. Our most. beautiful. chrysantbemiums and dahlias are the results of such thougbt and care. Our nortb shore communities, if ailowed to grow in a natural way, would doubtless increase in population and area. A-minimum of, buman supervision would keep tbem f airly safe f rom discase and other enemies. But tbcy certainly would not progress. Tbey would îlot get better. Tbcy would approach no ideal., But if citizens, of our north'shore comn-- mnties b old before themiselves' ideals of, what . thcy desire,. their* com-munities to be- corne, and. work 'to achieve these ideals, progréss will be achieveci. One of tbe most effective means of c vic iniprovement is the association of ambitious she haci been a noisy, child, by thec time she bas completed ber first year in the silent environment of a library, she lias alnîost for- gotten how to talk ahove a,' whisper and hàs achieved an unusual rnodesty. She is a godsend to the chilren. She intro- duces theni to books* that'become, their lif e- lIong companions;, books that to their -dyiOng da.y they eherish anad love. :Sbe leads them- into tbe wonderful worki of roman.ce, takes. tbem to meet the great heroes f rom jack the Giant Killer to the Prophet of Nazareth. The f riend.-of our. bidren, the f riend of every reader- the village librarian! Thiýs seems to be the open season for col(1s. TOU: can catch themf with remfarkable case. in. f act colds. themnselves seeml to, be catching huiman beings all around Don't Catch us. No cold bas yet caught ColdI us, but we attibute our. 1f reedom to the f act that- well, we have no good reason to offer. Indeed it' can scarcciy be denied that, if a cold wants to catch you, it will, in spite of ail vour precautions. .Tbey tell us io avoici crowds. Try it in -Chicago. They urge us not to get chillcd. Sometimes even on a warm day we bave f elt a shiver travel up and down our well-protected back. Get adequate r'est. And people who slcep cigbt bours out of every twenty-f our sometimes contract colds. Drink plcîitv of water. Who hasn't filled up on water only to wake up, the next morning witb a cold? Wc rcad ail this f rce exhortation in the ncwspaper and wondered if the publishers of. the paper had suddenly turned bumanitarian. But down near the end of tbis healIth sermon, we reaci, "And take a dose of Clark's Cold Kýiller." At this we sneezed an(l resolved. never to catch cold. pal to CONFE.SSION: On the first Monday of every month, when we eat, aur 4:30 p.m. "breakfast" w.e are tempted to. omit the usual dessert. There's a ýreason. You see, the Wilmette Chamber of Commerce, whose ,Meetings we attend,ôn those ýMondays, serves delicious cake and ice cream for refreshments at the close of its. sessions., However, don't be alarmed. We yield' not té the temptation, but swaàllow our 'dessert as usual. It wouldn't be. righ.t to go to the meeting, with a hungry lookc, and play unduly upon the emo- tions -of- B. T. Clark, secretary, ýwbo sees that niembers, visitors and even reporters are well fed. ANOTHER REAS014 FOR THA]NKSGIV- ING: These nocturnal wanderings of our mind (if any), have been dignified by the title, "Musings of Our Night- Editor.". that*, word "musings"' sounds far 'prettier than. "rgvings." INSPIRING BRAVERY: Every morning. wheii those roosters used to crow 'behind the m eat market a few blocks from our sleeping quarters, we used to wail and gnash teeth. .TIien, af ter the holidays, it was so quiet that we missed the crowing. We actually feit a 'littie bit sad, when we meditated that the roosters had probably flavored somebody's soup. SCame the dawn a few days ago, and with jt that old, familiar crowing. We were actualjyý inspired this time. Yessir, it's a pretty game bird. Though doomed to the soup kettie, he's greeting the dawn' as lustily, as if lie were b~ack on the farm. Crowing "reveille," instead o.f "taps"ý-that's wbat we cal spirit! It hadn't occurréd to us until now-thanks t(> ,the niglit editor-what might constitute thelreal reasori for the phenomenal growth ini member-ý ship of the Wilmette.,Chamber of Commerce. Chadty'Note Our friend Tommy Lynch wvl ,periencing some difflcuity in fii spot in Florida this winter, was 1a stove sent to his Hollywood( has been exý- )g a summery te r ecipient of youthful icler that one head could ch knowiedge. The village been memnorialized, but Who; village ibrarian?. ~~tg wecannot sing bc contain SO schoolmastcr wihl sing of u t ,anybody,. can imagine a carnivai. L-ong test( gaiiy colù'ed lanterns. Evîery ci claiming special attention. Yi skatcrs skimming to aid fro.E hère -and there carving initiais, tedouble dutch, spread caghling, flyig. Apicture of wintcr joyý!, toofS 0f costume rothfil Experts CUtting almnost .you get this wonderful billing $Ys- extraet rnoney froni a _Scotchman." IlDiley thn sent me zrm- colee. First Stranger (at the party) - very dull, lsn't it?" Second:; "Yes, very." ':Let's go home." eg cn' t. I'r the host.", i-M4ique, t é