Norma Bosworth, zioral Cook, and Marjorie Sherman, played the follow- -ing selections:- TWO PIANOS Sicilienne. (arr. by, Guy Maier). P. S. Bach, The Maid of Ganges Mendelggohin-T.dszt Liebeslieder (Five Waitzes) . . .. Brahms Gevilla Neukranz and Marié M.: Pettibone * VIOLIN. Rapsodia Plemontese.....Sinigaglia Romance from Concerto iln D.nilnor.... ........Wienilawski Rurll. Jonaric'a Nô. 3. ..Dohnanyi Wifred Townmsend Cree TRIOS Memories...................... ..Cadman Are They Tears, Beloved....... ... Grieg Bird of the Wilderness ........ Horsmâtn Norme Bosworth, Choral. Cook 'and Marjorie Sherman TWO PIANOS Hopak..............;......MousS6rgsky Jazz Study . Edw. Burlingame Hill The, 1lue Danube Waltz............ . .Strauss-Schultz-Evler-Chasius Gevilla 14eukranz and Marie M. Pettibone HEADS SERVICE CLUB Miss Margaret Emily Lynde of Win- netka was elected recording secretary ofthe Service club at the annual meet- ing heid Monday at the Drake. The new ist of directors includes several nortb shoréenienbers, Miss Jeanne Street, Mrs. John Dem (jean 'Mac- Leish), and Miss Virginia Woodland. M~rs. Stanley Zaring is the new presi-w dent, succeeding Mrs. Albert F. Mad- lener, jr. -77 County Line and Sanders Road company, and other nationaliy icnown banlcing institutions. Total capital, surplus and undlvided -profits. of thesé banks. aggregate: more than, 13, bil- lions1 and total resources more than 17>4 billions. T'his group also con- trois or owns*fnear1y one thousand branches* or other batiks. Each Týrust-' eed Anieriéan Bank Share repre- sents a 1/2500th participating inter- est in the stocks composing one unit. Mr. Draper plans to introduce, tbe new trus t shares extensively along the nortb shore. Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. Farrar, 1210* Greenwood avenue, and their daugbter, 'Catherine, returned tbis' weeký froni a two weeks' visit with Mmn. Fau- rar's mother, Mrs. W. . Denton'-of Lawvencebumg, md. Mrs. James H. Fletcher, 910 Oak- wood avenue, entertained ber Neighhor- hood bridge club on Thursday at ber home. C. D. Rossettèr of .Auroma, 111.',1 the week-end guest of bis daughitem ber f amily, tbe Albemt G. Frosts, Central avenule. Deerfield, Illinois 1NOU R EVANSTON SHOP Final February Cleara'nce Jein's Suitsý U.vercoat's: Pilecl Coats and 509 ehe Elusive AU Cliildren Smile Tht Sod- Up ýto$6 "Better pictures-fletter Values" 162 Shrma Av., vanton Tel UNI. 8998 Evanstooo SA.> Open. Tuesday, Thursday amd Satroy Evemiugs No Toli Chiarge W:o Phone-Caill Winmetka 188 Ave, Evanston 1613 Shierfnaül .50'