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Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Feb 1931, p. 72

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FOR SALE OR TRAPE - 7 ROOM, house, $ 18,000. Newly decorated, bout section. 1317.' Greenwood Ave. Ph. Wilmette 1616. LN4-t PU OU *ALE--IIELD. ODB. FOR SALEl-2RICHLY CAR VEX) SMÀLL roanewood nota. Handsome large wal- nut bed, box opring and mattres, Carved walnut bureau to match. Also mahogany Napoleon bed. Cal Win- netha 60.8LN4-t ESTATE 0P M.RS. -FREI) CORVINUS -dshes, furniture, rugs, etc. Player piano, $25. Atwater Kent radio, S months old, $40, coit $154.- Other bargains. - 752 Sunset road, Winnet- ka 525-M. 86LTN40-ltc For SALE- - GENUINE HOOKED ruge mine at $2 .each, others higher. Ph. Glencoe M~4. 8OLT40-ltp 07 WANTED TO SuY-HSEmLiD. 4000DS WAIEfl TO'BUY-4SECOiD HAKD furaiture and other household gooda. Highest prices for same. Crost Furni- ture Store; 1004-6 Emerson St., Evan- Mton, 11.iL h. Uni., 0189. 87LTN36-tfe 813 FOR SALE-MIISCELLANEO0US ENGLISH COACH- BAi3Y CARRIAGE in perfect condition. Like new. Cost, $75. Will seli for $15. J. F. Sulli- van, 905 Burr ave., Hubbard, Woods. EÀNCYLOPEDIA, BRITANNICA FOR sale. 29 volumes. Like »ew. $15. Phono Winnetka 3208. 88L40-ltp SECOND HAND OFFICE FURNI- turc, cheap. Desk, table, chairs, steel fie, cabinet. Ph. Wilmette 363. 88LTZq40-ltc 139 WANTED TO BUY-MISC. WANTED - CLE AN, WHITE RAGS. 10c per lb. 1232 Central Ave., Wil- muette. 1 89LTN36-tflp VWLÂAGE.0F WILMETTE PLAN COMMISSION NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEABING PUBLIC NOTICE* is hereby given that a Public Hearing wll be, held at Dollar Days; also musical toys, rec- orsec, priced especially for tbe bargain days. Von Ammon at 944-948 Spanish court provides an. excellent opportunity to p)urchase-bridge prizes and other gi fts ýat: the piceS of one dollar. Unique Style. Shop, 1126 Central. avenue,% suggests genuine bargains1 in wasb dresses and reduictions'inother *omen's garmients. 7 Snider-Cazel Drug comp ,any, Vil- >mette and Central avenues, is display- i'ng. many attractive Dollar Day spe- cials. N. A. Hanna, Inc., 952 Spanish:court. announices "Dollar, Day specials.-and drastic reductions." The Oji Wiell-Bob 'n Mac- Main street, at Linden, bas Dollar Day of- fers in. car washmng, greasing and pur- cbases. of -oils. Cay r-Leen Beauty Salon, 1167 Wil- mette* avenue, suggests bargains ini beautification. MeNaniee's Store for Men in the First National Bank building suggests that spring is near at hand-special Dollar Day values in golf bose and haberdashery. Ring-Ting Candy Sliops, 1135 Cen- tral avenue, will cater to that sweet tooth with some attractive Dollar Day- values. Shore Line Cleaners, hic., says: "Take advantage of this rare oppor- tunity. to discover the superiority of Miraclean., * .Wilmette 'Stationery and Gift' Shop, 1155 Wilmnette avenue, lias soine ex- ceptional Dollar Day values ini sta. tionery, clîildren's books and a variety of other. mierchandise. T'he Village Cleaners, mnc., aIvoW they bave installed a "direct wvire to' the muighitiest of ail Dollar -Day bargains- no ups and no arguments." Fourthi Street Auto Shop, 516 Fourth street, cails, "Hey !" and. procccd "s to tell -of Dollar Day bargains: in car greasing and wasbing jobs. Renneckar Drug -company', Central and Wilnîette avenues, observes the 28th birthday of Rexall products by offering nunierous inviting Dollar Day specials. Millen Hardware, 1219* Wilinette Pearson 's market on Ridge avenue bas many valuable Dollar Day sug- gestions for the shopper in meats. Terminal Hlardware, 411 Linden avenue, lists 'erough Dollar Day spe- cials to fil a fair sized' volum e. All real bairgains,, too 1 The North> Town Fruit Market, 1111 Central avenue, indicates vani- ous Dollar Day bargaîns including a- combination sale. Ken ilworth Wen. heVoters Meet Feb. 12 'ËeKenilwortbi League of Womiex Voters will bold the regular meeting for February Thursday, February 12, at the Kenilworth club. A 'buffet luncheon with Mrs. ýCharles Howard Bent and Mrs. Alfred Hodge wil11 be scrved at 12:30 o'clock, ýafter wbich the league will listen to Mrs. Alfred oh.Mrs. Kolin is state chairman of the committee on public welfare. She is a kxfeiber of the GovernarT Louis Emmerson commnittee on child \Nelfare and she attended the White House conference. She speaks clear. ly a nd 'intel ligenritly. lVrs., Alfred Hodgé of 220 Wood- stock avenue, Kenilworti,ý is in, charge of reservations for the- luncheon... The members of the board' of'the Kcilworthi League of Womien \Tot.- crs met on Monday afternoon of this week. They discussed plans and lis- tened to the reports of the activities of the diffecreitntinmbers who have attended* varions sta te or, couinty 1lea.--u e meetings. A delieious tea was enjoyed at the close of the business meeting, Protest Breaking Up TeStreetfor Gas Mains. TePublic Service Company of Nor thern Illinois lias applied . to the' Village of -Winette for, a permit: to' tear, up a portion of the pavement at the intersection of Iroquois and Mohawk roads in the Indian Hill Es- tates to installimas mans 1P2,i;nz tfa oein LD>A15wALin a10 Lusvance. mIVLss Pearl floose will sing,. accompanied by Edith Ray Young. The speaker is to be Mrs. Ada Mucklestone, Second Vice-President of the Departinent of Illinois, and National Defense, Cbair- man M rs. -Mucklestone- bas held othier importantý offices in the State depart-- ment- and Central council. Her sub- ject will be "National Defenise." Sev- eral district>and state officers bave been invited to attend. After the meeting tbere will be a social bo'ur with refresbments «served by Mrs. 0. G. Daily,.social cbairman, assisted by bermittee, Mrs. 'Nor- man Deno, Mrs. Herbert, Gbuld, Mrs. Ernest Gould and M rs. Fred von der Lippen. On'Frida'y evening, February 6, the R .0. T. C. is giving à military bail at the Lake Sbore Atbletic club, 850 Lake Sbore .drive, Cbicago. XMany officers, Ot tbis area wi11 attend; officers of the Army, and ,of the Arnerican Lejgion and Auxiliaryare'on-tbe list of patrons;. Tickets may be. obtained f rom Mrs. Arthur Johînson, 322 TFourteenth street, Wilmette. Mrs.'Alfred R. Bates Is. Luncheon Chairmnan M rs. Al fred R. Bates of EvaInstonl is cliairman of the luncheon c omit.-- tee for thé Valentine-luncheon whic'h will lie served at" the Nýational Col- lege of. Education Saturdav, Feb- ruary 14, between the miorning auJl afternoon performances. of "Cap ()' Rushes," a play for chldren, to bhe given by the National college stu- dlents. The morning performance begins at 10:30 o'clock and the. after- moon production at 2:15. -Mrs. Bates, plans thait those attending the mori- ing. performance' shall make their luncheon. reservation for 12 ý:30<o'clock. *Those attending the',afternoon: per-< formnance, will be served at, 1 o'cloi k., Luncheon as well as ticket reserv-a- tio ns are lie made early. Large Contributions Start Scout Campaignl ibility insurance on the car driv- by Mrs. Lillian Northam, proba- oficer for the Village, will be wed- The Wiluaette Village ,d at t regular meeting Tuesday. [t instr-uctied Village Manager, C. )ôborn to take this action. oluar LJay spe-1 rg, Ic.. 417 Lindlen avenue, druggists, have num- erous Dollar Day wares that~ will merit attention. pominic Pagliarulo, jew'eler and 14 n gracie ilI, 524 at her in the Dol. auis idI5CU. -o---- Mrs.Geoge 50 Mple ve- Mr? and Mrs. John Clark Baker, Mrs GergeLettie, 347 pe v- 'al avenue, and their son, nue, Wilmette, was hqstess -to six- James, returned recentlyr fron an teen guests at luncheon and bridge extended motor. tour through Flori- Wednesday of this week. da, and the south. p I

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