coul,- cil. Notices. have gonle ont f rom Mrs. Simions to'ail her conittee members and fromi the Illinoisý League of XVo- men Voters to other state organiza- tions, fo 'r a meeting *to be. heid. on February.18 at. the Woman's CitY Club 'of Chicago, so that concerted action may be had. Representative Thon and Senator, Hu- ebsch have introduced H. B. 68 and S. B. 50 respectively,, both bills identical' and provtding for grouping, the names of candidates by, office instead of ln a Party eolumn. The Party design ation, owever, appears after each name so that thçb candidates' affiliationse are ciearly gîven. The Office Group Ballot is flot a great or untried linnovation,. becaus-e It le iden- tical ln form with the primare ballot; now successfully used ln Illinois and bas therefore demonstrated ite practieal value. Voterra are familiàr with it; and present holders of public office should look upon it wlth favor since it Is the form of ballot on which they were momi- nated. A further point wh'ich. conm-ends the Office Group Ballot to the vote'rs is that it markedly diminishes the size of the ballot, though it does not reduce the, number of - names. However, it would 1-pare the citizens of Illinois the v'ast. (iuantlty of unused paper which made the general election in November, a physical as well as a mental problem. MOTOR DRIVER'S LICENSE In the past twelve months in Illinois, 2,627 were killed in transportation, of which 1,635 are charged to automobile accidents. Investigations show that. a maor Dotion of accidents are thereult tneasure anduthe mea it beforethîe public," Wood-Simons, chairme comnittee on Revisic Laws for the joint LE Buy it here for Iess Strictly FresL Eggs,: Butter, ...ic..or...... Boneles. Sinoked Butta,. ...... . .. . .. . . Leis, of gLaib, per lb. ... . .. Quali ty Remains 24e, 33c' .28e BeEf Pot Roast (Bet uts. per lb ....... .... 2 4 C Dili pickles, quartbttle Lard, 100% pure, 2I bs..... 20 lifetime of compainionship. This le one of the toremost Amerlcan problems of the day. Can we Ipot give self-reSpect. and independence to the aged 'who are physically able to live without Instituttionel. care? 111inois'trails In. much of the better legislation, The Qld age pension la added to the: ist of 8-hour day for women, motor drlver's license, tax system, child wefare, otite distribution sehool fund,àand others which the> League of Women Votera Intend to present. each week tn this column., Third rup Deduetlons In the third group, which contains those Items deductible when the car Ws used wholly or chiefty (more than 60 per icent) for business, there ts one au- thorized. deduction. 1., Lois, suÊtained where an automobile used for business eurposes la traded In for a neW car. In thie, case the loss la not propor- tioned to the amount of use.. The ls should be determined as follows: Add the selling price to the depreciation sus- tained; the difference between this total and the cost price represents the loss. The entire loss sugtained In the trade-, In le deauctible so long as the car Is used wholly or ehiefir-for business; the percentage of use le determined In the same manner as set forth under the first item in the. second group. Mo0tor club dues are deductiblè as busi- ness expense only when the membership la maintained solely for business pur- posesl. Feurth Group Dedjictions lI the, fourth group there are two Items of'expense which may flot be de- ducted. 'Phese are: 1. The amount paid for an automobile us- ed for either business or pleasure. (This is considered as a capital expendi- ture and le subject tcolaim for depreca- tion where the automobile le used for When it cornes from "Pemra'4Weit'a the best.- We Defiveta WiInette, Keniworih, Winnetloe, Hubliard Woods, Gle..O 1 . in both the Senate (ABU and' HoUse. (HB36) areý now ln the bands of the Judiclary eommittee. Our senato%-,Mr ,uebsch, Is on the committee in the Seýnate. In the states where the essen- tial provisions of the Uniforiri Motor Vehicle-code have been passed, the sub- mtantial reduction in the number: and' 1 erity of accidents bas resulted. Ifle isthe dutyr of every Intereqted citi- zen to w.rite their- representatives at Sqpringfield, asking the support of tbese. bills. Sen. Arthur Huebsch, flep. Anna. W. Ickes, Rep. Frank E. Foster, and Rep. Emmett McGrath. Have You Seen ihe News ofth e Cellini Shop's Silverware Sale? See Page 41 *.the. *Moden Cof fee' Ma ker, The New Silex Coffee Maker (Ail Pyrex glass) meels the de- mand for a regular drip coffee maker of. more attractive design for table service. It is easy to ruse. It has few parts. It is faster than other drip coffee makers. The Bible and Works of Mary Baker Eddy and all other auaeb Christian Science Literature may be read, borrowed or purchased a Reading Room. THE PUBLIC IS CORIDALLY INVITBD TO ATTEND THE CHURCH SERVICES AND VISIT THE, READING ROOM = Dannemark Electrié Company 1151 WiImelte Avenue Phone Wilmette 214. Opoit Tuesdary, - Ths.rsday Surday Eveusaga Beat Bacon, SIioed. per lb. 40c. 3~b.. RJDGE AVENUIE, WILME'ITE