arevived fashion,,bas blosso med inýto s uccess overnight!e The Printed SiIk Dress weI-c.ut and careéfull1y tailored, s50 if canbe worn without ifs coat.' ~nd The Long Redingote 'Coat whkch rmy be worn overother dresses as weII. a .complete Costume made Up 0f two separate garments. The Redingote Costumes here are accurate, cop- ies of expensive originals; amazingly good at $29.501 The: Prit Dresses that belong The Coats that go ov er th.em, to thes« Redingotes areftln moonyoerti.hpsi brigt Srin prits-heefulare of fine wooi crepe in navy br*thf prin prn+s-heefulblue or black. fbings that wili make you realize I's a fashion, this Redingote., a new season has begun. Setter have one sooni SECOND FtOO1R T OPEN SATURDAY EVENINGS E VENINGS OPEN SATURDAY