Will ,on '0f thé eleven, District: Hobby Shows -of the North Shore. Area counicil, the first will be held in Wi:n- netka at Winnetka Community House this Saturdà'y evening'at 7:30, Feb- ruary 21, in Metz, hall. Tickets are now on sale bye the Winnetka Scouts or May be. purchased at the, door. This is the only time of the, year that Scouts sel I tickets for any Scout çvent. It is not intenided as an indi- rect méans of raising'Lmoney and. bas noÔthing to do ,with thé finance cani- paign. The money, earned, goes di- rectly- to the localý troops' treasuries and for equipmeýnt -and supplies. The, Scouts, Sea Scouts and Cubs have put a lot oôf time and effort intô making this exhibition and demon- stration a real treat for the public, and every local, person is urged tfo attend. Érom now until April 4 there will be a hobby show in one of the dis- tricts every Saturday-on February 28 in the Northbrook school; on March 7, Kenilworth wilI hold' their. exhibit in the Sears' school; on the same date Glenview Golf district will also have their Hobby Show. Compctitio n Is Growing, r cubruary JZ, each pjJtroLi rcei vI'Ua sealed letter 'containing slips on' which was written the case of the picked'patient. When the signal was given the patrol leader read the slips to the patrol who went to work and they flxed things that were ýwrong, m*th thje- patient. They were rated on their speed and -accuracy.. The. jùdge had a very bard' time deciding upon the wnner. The third patrol finally won; then flrst and second' corene ext in rating.-A couple rc-. porters, Troop 3, Wilmette Methodist' A Bo's an * '~.-"~ '1 Yhe above photo of Daniel Car- ter Beard wuas takepn by the late John Benhati of Keniiworth wJÎke ýd..-,Repoter, bos He isover 80, ye rngregutional active i the Scouting ever interested in boys. andG miore tnan Troo> 15 Set Record in Scout MobiIiazation T1roop 15 of the Winixetka Christ church broke the Winnetka record for Boy Scouts mnobili'zation accordiflg to the. report ýof Robent Brown. District Commissioner in charge of the emer- gency assembly February 7. Troop 15 assembled 75' percent present in twelve minutes and in fourteen min- utes had every Scout, of the. troop readv for duty. John McFadzean iq .Scoutmaster of this troop. Troon 19 ofý the Community House. Milton' Cornellus, Scoutmagstéer-a 1ssembled with 79 percent present ýin twe lve and one-haif. minutes. Ôther troo'ps that had ai. leastý 75 percent nresent were: Troo 14 K. V. Bollinger. Scout- master,-fourteen minutes:. Troon 19.7 C. Rov Terry. Scoutnaster-fifteen minutes., Troon 16, R. B. Anderson. Scouilteastr-sixteefl inutes. Troops 17, 20- and 24 also a'ssembled.. Annual Dods and Sons Banquet Held by Troop 1 Thursdav. February 12. Troop 1 of Wilmette held its annual Dads and Sons banrtuet -a the Congregational church. The Sea Scouts and, the Cub Scouts were also present. . Our first speaker was.Mron C. Ryboit,' Scout Executive of the North Shore. The chairman then presented. Chief Ojibawoos and of Ojibwa 'Ijdians and follnowiniz that another Indian Scoutîigsongs ior us. i e ne Lin ment closed at 9 o'clock.-Stanley, Cochran. Troot) 1. .Wilmiette Congre-" 7>?tionl. lchurch. Scouts Make Pro(*gres in Bird'House Building Troop 10 held'their last meeting Febnuary 9- at the Logan school. We opened the, meeting vyith the Scout Oath. After having -a study penîod Ildon 't V. .LU***c *I.,01a om Atucrica can really Ini life as in a football principle to f ollow is: ne 'hard; clon't foui and but hit the line hard." -Theodore Rooseveit, Troop 4 to Give Parents'Dinner on- February 25 Troop 4 of St. - Augustine's church,. Wilmette, is p1atin ing to give -a par- ents' dinner Wednesday night, ']Pb- ruary 25., The parents of aIll Scouts ar.e invited and a wonderful program is being'arranged by a committee of' Scouts.. It is being planned that din- ner will e served jat6:0olck followling stunts will be given by ea . h patrol. There will also be a, complet e ekhibit: of, hobbies and Scout patrol projects. Several Sundays ago the Rev. H. Carleton, pastor of the St. August- ine's church, gave 1a1 special Scout sermon for Troop 4. The troop at- tended -the service asa unit. Troop 4 is also planning for. the Hobby Show whîch is to be, held in Wilmette, March 26.-Editor, Bi11,. Lehle, Wilmette Press club. Interesti.ng Gamnes Are Features of Troop eet Troopr 12 hield their weekly meet 1ing on Monday, February 9., The troop was forned at 7 o'clock and ins pec- tion was held. Scoutmaster Lloyd., Long and Assistant Scoutmnaster Joyce took 'charge. The patrol had a brief meeting befo.re the playing of ganies, including a compass. game and a rope tying game. It was an- nounced that the Scout *with the highest numnber of points at 'the end of the year will' receive an award. The point system was then ýread_-'> Each patrol is to' get up a firs .t aid team, and 'fine friction, team. . The meeting' was àdiourned. with the Scout Oath.-Foster Gilgis, acting re- porter,, Tnoop 1?, Vista del Lago club., Outdoor Games Playe at Meeting of Cub Pack PuLs.mr.îurrey made a few an- nouncemçnts and then ganies were played and the meeting adjourned. Jack McConnell passed Second Class Safety and "Compass tests.-Bill Bowen, Troop 5, Wilmnette 1èresby- terian church.