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Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Feb 1931, p. 42

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Tbrongs Attempt to Gain Entrance Into Planetarium S&iraJanuary 24, my girl. friend and 1 decIded to take a trip down, te the pianetarluni, se we left at il1:46 o'elock Saturday uoon. We got a train and we reached' the Field Museum et Il :25. W. thouglit. *o would go 'to thé Fi'eld Museum. whlle we were. there. We looked at the- Indian coitumeti aud their beaded thIngs. It was very Inter- « stng. Then we decided to go aud, look at the other thingu lu the museuni. We looked at the stuftfed animale. By the tume we had looked at. the things for a .whlle, It was 2:26, so I sald * to me girl frlend that we had bette get golng te the planétariumn. Wlien we, arrived, there wvas. a long.lUne of peo- ple and we ttiought surely we woüldii't get in. Thon tluaily we get.to the'door andire, were the last eues te, be ad- mltted . W. were surely grateful. There wasa a long lhue waiting te get In, and it wasa £ hame they couidn't. They will ,have te maki)e a blgger place tEk al the people who want te, get lu. * Wbeft le deslgnated the last eue te get In, the people were angry.* The lecture by 34r. Baker was very Iuterestlng. The Mtbjot wà- the "Objecfte of the Skies." They showed constellationsa ef the skies. I would 11ke very much te get te go aga.n.-Ernestlfle Kaspar, Howard SB3. Father, Mother Atirec to Winter in California It was a wlnter day wheu my mother satd te my father, "How aboutr golng tb Calfornia and staylng the rest of the winter?'" Theu my father said, 4*Itlo aIl right witii me." r 9owwe wnt tn Calforula. We stayed hom!e at 5 o'clock. ue wa:s not at homeî ai 6. We get a little worrled about ber. Fiuaihy she called up and sald that she wouhd be unabie to get home *until about 8 'cleck. We weut ahead *and had supper, and when she camne homne we vWeeeating, supper. Then after sulppe', my, mother tohd us about what liad hajppened tei her. Then we went te .bed.-Jane DIruqcker, Miss Frauk's Ath Grade. Songs, Historical Talks * n i LE i. à-r Lose to 7B Regulars Ou Meflday, 7B firgt teSin played 7A second teani lu basketball. Iu the first part of the gaine the forwards were MIarjorie Stauliit, Helena Mickey and Margaret Schwall. Thp sce was 8 te 4 lu the first part of the game In 7B's first team's faver., At. thiened of the gaine the score was 18 te 8 lu favor of 7B's firetteai. Iu the laat part of the gaine the forwards were Eleanor SpeYe- des and Igleen Weakly,.1' Mrs Fanckboner awarded letters] Truesday lustead. of MXouday.. One third of th irle igot letters froni both seveuth grades. First. teain of 7A beat .thefr third tearu by the score oft 2te10. We ef the- 7B teari worked hard te wln ahi our gaines se8 far. We Played two eaines andweu themi both. .Our second tean lias won eue gaine and lost eue. I hope the rest of the gaines we play: we w111 Win.-Eheanor Speredes, 7B Howard. Girls' CaFe Teams of Eighth Grades Battie for Honors Weduesday, Jauuary 28, 8B-11 piayed SA-Il, the Square shootera, and won. The 8B1-I team Isl called the Meteors, of whlch Virginla Htiettel le captain. The playeérs are as felows: Virginia Huet- tel], forward, Mildred Haugh, conter forward, Virginia MIhier, guard, Lueille Holm Hauson, guard, Mary Gordon, forwar4, and Cathe'rine Reynohds, guard. Hazel Ward is a substitute and pîsys. forward when oeeoe the team's players le absent. Our next gaine was with 8A-I, the Ganisters. Monday February '2, and -We have fine teamnafd J thiuk Mrs. Fauckboner, our gymuasiurn teacher, will have qulte a liard tume picking eut. the best players te play- Stoip, after our Inter-school finas.-Vlýrginia Huettel, 8B Howard. Bears Tame d in Cage Struggle by 4-0 Score Last F'rlday we beat the Bears 4 te 0. I took au eut and threw the hall te Honor Music Teacher at Recital kv Pupils Recently my piano teacher, Mise Edlth Ray Young, preseuted her stu- dents lu a piano ýrecitaU at the First. Baptist. churcli, Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Miss Young teaclies the Helen Curtis ciass. piano systeni. She 'also teaches. private pupils. The class pupils -were the only pupils who pla3'ed at this recitai., There were iuauy niçe hiittie numbers, and alo duets. After the inusicai part of the prograni Was over, Miss Curtis presented certifi1- cates to the clilidren whe were startiug, the second- terni.: The pupils whe. re- ceived, certificates were as. foilows; Betty Renneckar, Evangelile, Oison, Lucilie Hoffinan, Geraldine Hoffmani Hope Miller, Vivian Miller, John Wel- ter, Evelyn Jacobsen.: Hemman :Bfriauf, Genevieve Biriauf, Ludilie Krause and. David Alliseil. After the certfIcates, were.given out, I presented Miss Curtis wlth a bouquet of chrysanthemutns.. Another pupil pre- eented Miss Young with a mixed bou- quet,of ilowers. The program was over about 5:30 o'cock.-Virginia Oison. Elect Lucille Watson t o %1Ch1eck Gym <lut its Tuesday i assembly, Mrs. Jones sug- gested Chat each rooni have eue girl to check ou the gym outfits. She chose oue zil froni her rooni, and. se teday we dfid the sanie thlng.- The girl w ho got the most votes was Lucille Watqon. She le golng te keep à room record and lu June the girl wlth the hargest numf- ber of points may receive a reward. These points do net count toward your letteY' but it is very wortih while juat the sanie.* This ls the -way they count points:5 points if' you have your rniddy on and p ressed, ouly 2 ifflot pressed; 5 if the tie. le onn and nressed. o nlv 2 if not poinIn he ur row. Tis girl giveM the points te Lucilie and she, ý7ecords them every Meuday and Weduesday. We. thiuk that this le a very gOod idea and we are go ing to try to have the iargest.number of points in our rooni.-, Eileen,,Weakly, 7B Howard. Two Te ams of, Students Vying for News Points Ou Monday we get a paper called, "The News Outline.". We have two teams and Fridays we have reînnrtiio Red Streaks Beat Alley Rangers for Fifth Straight Win Thursday the Red Streaks won thefr fifth 'straight basketball. game over tbe, Ailey*,Rangers. Both teanis missed oe of their star, players. Bob MacMoraii was, absent because- ho broke bis col- larbone,- and Bill Wàde of the Red Streaks was out -becaiuse hoe was slck. in the first quarter, neither teami had Écored tilli ,Gerald Spinner.sank .airIee ilhrow, and that miade the score 1. to 0 lui theý Red Streaks' favor.. Then in the second. quarter the ,Red' Streaka got peppy and made the' score b to - , and in the thfrd quarter the Red Streaks took a rest lin basket shootlng, but: heid the Ailey Rangers scoreless mest theý sanie, In' the last quarter of the garne Ger- aid Spinner made a. basket just before the final whlstle,- makiflg,,the score Il to 0. The Red Streaks are ieading in the garnes won, The fSnkers corne next bv winning four- games andloslng oue. Then corne the Macs wlnning. two and hosiug two. Next after the Macs airé the Mfonkeyduds, wniunug twe games and loslng three. Then corne the Shooting Stars, winniug one garne and Iosing four. And at the botlit of the list stand the Alley Rangers, Iosing Iive straiglit garnes.-Johnr Speredes, 7A Hloward. Old Valentine Customs SÛRl Here, Eileen Finds At Howai&-we -were busy in prepara-. tion for Valentine's Day; The presi-- dent of our room appoiuted two people to make a Valentine box, and they wéYe - busy- at work ou it. Several of the other roorns had their boxes all made when ours* was stillinl the rnaking, As Sooàn as we found that aimost al the dues had been paid Up to date, we could buy. our Valent-ies with an easy conscience. We were to have a littie turne the hast pe'riod lu the afternoon to pass eut the Vahentines. We wereu't to have a party, so we plauned to niake- the best of what we could get.. Everybody lu Wilmette was eut searching for Valentines, I believe.- >I went into the store the other day te buy mine, and when I saw that the.'peo.- pie'were two deep ail the.way around the co.unter, I became disgusted and ivent'te another store to find it lu th- Sarne flic. But I finally got them.-. Elleen WeakIy, 7B Howard. Frieze, Posters to Show" John Smith and. Indians to ply.IrL W WiE ckaL. for the pentu âh Gi'ade, Howard. Tu the eldexi days they were covered; PLAY MARBLES,9 BASEBALL jenrn lwrt83 wltb lace, Children ef Wihniette' are piayiug PLANS TO SKATE out frein the lace came a cute little marbies., They are aise playiug base- Wluter la liere at hast, se the ice 'wil face h ail. It la very queer that sprlug la freeze. 1 will go skating witb my sIster.' That seerned te say, -Wihl yeu be here Fo seen. We did net have a heavy We wil see nauy. of our friends. We mine?" wlnter at ail, - We wIhl spoon be able te wlh skate wlth' eacb other. rÉhen -W. O hevehy Valentine!, go swlrnmng,> we hope.-Nma, Evans, wîîî. have fun.-Louise Grahan, Miss -Muriel Janicki, th Grade, Iow.ard. Miss. Frank's 4th Grade. -frank's, 4th Grade.

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